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基于S3C2410平台的数据采集系统采集与处理子系统的设计 摘要 数据采集系统已广泛应用与国防建设和国民经济的各个领域,并且有着广阔的发展前景,在一些工业现场中,设备长时间运行容易出现故障,为了监控这些设备,通常利用数据采集装置采集他们运行时的数据并送给PC机,通过运行在PC机上的特定软件对这些数据进行分析,以此判断当前运行设备的状况,进而采取相应措施。 本课题研究以嵌入式Linux为操作系统平台,基于ARM-S3C2410作为采集处理器,对模拟传感器的数据采集并对其进行协议分析。发挥ARM处理器的高性能、低功耗、低成本的优点、做出稳定的网络传输和可靠的数据收集的数据采集系统。 本文从数据采集系统的背景和研究目标出发,总结了项目研究的主要内容;继而介绍了项目相关的硬件平台和软件环境,S3C2410处理器的简介及linux操作系统的介绍;叙述了数据采集系统的整体设计和处理子系统的设计、实现。 数据采集系统整体设计是把下位机采集的模拟数据,存放在下位机的缓冲池中,然后再通过网络通信上传给上位机,通过用户界面将上传过来的数据以用户想要的图形的形式显示出来,实现用户对机器的远程监控。本设计主要负责在下位机处数据采集的过程。 关键词:嵌入式系统;数据采集;linux;S3C2410; Data Acquisition System Design based on S3C2410 Abstract Data acquisition system has been widely used in national defense construction and national economy in all areas and has broad prospects for development, in some industrial field, the device always run with some failure , so we usually collect a acquisition devices data in order to monitor these devices and judge equipments situation ,and then take corresponding measures. This project is based on embedded Linux operating system and ARM-S3C2410 processor,so it can play a high efficiency to collect and analysis data what you need . This article embarked from the backgroud of the data acquisition system and research objectives,introduced the project-related hardware platform and software environment,such as S3C2410 processor and linux operating system .At last,it described the data acquisition system overall design and processing subsystem of the design, implementation. First,the overall design of data acquisition system is to collect the simulation data by the lower computer. second, it have the data stored in the next bit plane buffer pool, and then upload to the host computer with network communication, at last,it can show the data to users PC.This design is mainly responsible for the next bit plane Department data collection process. Key Words: Embed system;Data acquisiton; linux;S3C2410; 目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 1 绪 论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2 研究意义 1 1.3 国内外研究情况 1 1.4 研究目标 2 1.5 本文



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