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摘 要 随着我国加入WTO,市场需求日趋变化,事实上也证明,能挖掘在生产过程中的潜力,提高劳动生产率,就一定能在竞争中占领优势。精益生产在某种程度上可以使企业能够长期稳定持久的发展。而能将人、机、料、有机结合起来的标准作业,是精益生产的一个必经之路,它使不同的人能以相同的方法以较快的速度较低的成本生产出同样优质的产品。 其中标准作业是进行精益生产的重要依据,它是进行生产改善的重要基础,有了标准作业才能在保证质量的前提下降低成本,提高效率。追求高效率、低成本地生产必要的市场所需的具有优秀品质的产品。因此,有必要对生产中关键工序进行标准化动作研究。 考察生产和管理工作,系统地研究影响生产效率和生产成本的各种因素,帮助企业消除人力、物力、财力和时间方面的浪费,减少劳动强度,合理安排作业减少工作量,建立更经济的作业方法 ABSTRACT With Chinas accession to the WTO,the market demand increasingly change,in fact also proof,can excavate the potential in the production process,improve labor productivity, certainly can occupy in the competition advantage. Lean production in some extent can make the enterprise can have a long-term stable lasting development. And the person, machine, materials, organic combination of the standard work, lean production is a necessary way,which makes different people in the same method to fast speed and low cost produce similarly high quality products. Among them the standard work is the important basis of lean production, it is an important basis for production to improve the standard operation to quality premise reduce costs,improve efficiency. ursuit of high efficiency , low cost and production necessary required by the market with outstanding quality products. Therefore,it is necessary to do standardized motion study for the critical process in production. Review production and management,and systematically study the production efficiency and production costs influence of various factors,help enterprise eliminate waste of human force,material financial resources and time, and reduce labor intensity, find out the best methods of work and the reasonable arrangement of homework,continuous improvement and perfection,ensure personnel,material resources,in order to reduce the effective operation of the workload,build more economic practices. improvement, scientific management,continually reduce production cost, eliminat unnecessary waste to reduce the cost , in order to achieve reduce costs, enh


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