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摘 要 本文通过询问专家意见以及以发放问卷的方式,建立了建筑施工人员的3级指标,12个人员评价的2级指标,4个人员评价的1级指标,心理指标、体能指标、文化指标、生理指标,用于对建筑施工人员的能力评价。通过对每个指标的权重、重要程度进行了定值,用模糊层次分析法运算,算出该工地施工人员的能力程度。本论文通过计算测试,算出了某建筑工地施工人员的能力值为(0.373 0.419 0.205),对应的评价等级为(优秀,中,不及格)。根据最大原则选出最大分量为0.419,对应该工地施工人员的能力值为中,根据评价体系中该工地施工人员的文化指标与体能指标得分较低,说明该工地的施工人员在文化水平上和体能水平还需提高,建议该工地施工人员在休息之余,进行能力培训以及专业知识的补充,注意饮食营养的搭配,并加强身体的锻炼,用以提升自己的职业能力,提高施工现场的工作效率。 关键词:施工人员 能力评价 模糊层次分析 指标体系 Abstract In this paper, by asking the expert opinion and to extend the means of questionnaire, establishing the construction personnel of the 3 indicators,12 personnel evaluation indicators in Level 2,4 personnel evaluation of the1 indicators, psychological indicators, indicators of physical fitness, culture index, physiological index, used for construction personnel ability evaluation. Based on the weight of each index, the degree of importance of the setting, with the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method, calculate the site construction personnel ability. This paper through the calculation of the test, worked out a Yubei District construction site construction personnel ability value as (0.373 0.419 0.205), the corresponding evaluation grade (excellent, intermediate, fail). According to the principle of maximum elect maximum component is 0.419, to the site construction personnel ability value, according to the evaluation system of the construction site personnel and cultural indicators and indicators of physical fitness score is low, the site of the construction personnel in the cultural level and physical fitness levels need to improve, suggests that the site of construction personnel in the rest, ability training and professional knowledge of the supplement, attention to diet and nutrition, and to strengthen the physical exercise, to enhance their occupation ability, improve the work efficiency of the construction site. Keywords: Construction workers; Ability evaluation;Fuzzy hierarchy analysis;Index system 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究的背景及研究意义


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