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LANZHOU UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 毕业论文 题 目 证件照片的二维码植入方法研究 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 08通信工程(2)班 指导教师 学 院 计算机与通信学院 答辩日期 2012年6月11日 证件照片的二维条码植入方法研究 Passport photo of the two-dimensional code implanted in methods of research 周启龙(Zhou Qilong) 摘 要 目前国际上使用的二维条码种类较多,其中QR Code二维条码因为具有识读速度快、可全方位识读、用特定的数据压缩模式表示中国汉字等优点,在中国得到广泛的应用。 本论文主要包括对高质图像的压缩和QR Code码的生成两部分。使用离散余弦变换压缩算法、哈夫曼编码压缩算法和嵌入式零树小波压缩算法并基于MATLAB平台实现了对高质图像的压缩。然后借助QR Code生成软件将压缩图直接转换为需要的QR Code码。经上述实验得出,高质图像在经过压缩后可以储存在QR Code码中,从而达到了二维码在有限的几何空间中承载更多信息量的目的。结合理论知识与仿真实验,完成了对证件照片的二维码植入方法研究。 关键词:二维条码;QR Code码;图像压缩;离散余弦变换;哈夫曼编码;嵌入式零树小波 ABSTRACT At present, there are quite a few kinds of two-dimensional bar codes and QR Code is one of them. QR Code has obtained widespread applications in china because its merits such as quick reading speed, omnidirectional reading ability and specific data compression pattern on expressing Chinese charters. This thesis mainly including the high quality of the image compression and QR Code generation two parts. Use the discrete cosine transform compression algorithm, Huffman compression coding algorithm and embedded zero tree wavelet compression algorithm based on MATLAB platform and realize the high quality of the image compression. Then QR Code generated by software will be compressed figure directly convent the QR Code to Code. After the experiment, high quality image after compressed can store in QR Code for transmission. So as to achieve the purpose of two-dimensional code in the limited geometric space to carry more informative. Combine theory knowledge and the simulation practice, completed the Passport photo of the two-dimensional code implanted in methods of research. Key words: Two-dimensional bar code; QR Code; Image preprocessing; DCT; Huffman; EZW 目录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 二维条码简介 1 1.1.1 条码的产生与发展 1 1.1.2 二维条码的特性与应用 1 1.1.3 二维条码的研究现状 2 1.2 常见的二维条码特性分析 3 1.


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