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本科生毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 某四层住宅办公综合楼 项目工程量计算书 英文题目: Office Building of a four-story residential project engineering calculation book 系 : 土木工程系 专 业: 土木工程 班 级: 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 职称: 指导教师: 职称: 摘  要 通过对图纸的预算发现造价对于一个工程是很重要的。既然造价占这么大的比重,控制造价、管理造价就尤为重要了。工程造价始终贯穿于项目建设的全过程,要进行动态、有效地控制好工程造价,就必须在不同阶段每一步都加强控制。有效地进行工程造价控制,最大限度地提高投资效益,是不同角色的项目管理者的首要问题。在世纪转换之际,我国加入了世界贸易组织。随着中国市场的进一步开放,我国的行业壁垒下降,国内市场国际化,国内外市场全面融合,外国企业必定利用其在资本、技术、管理、人才、服务等方面的优势,挤占我国国内市场,尤其是建筑业市场。这给我国的工程造价管理带来了新的挑战。本文对工程每个阶段的造价管理的重要性进行逐一分析及如何加强造价管理进行阐述,针对目前工程造价中存在的概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算等问题及现状,指出工程建设的不同阶段对工程造价的影响和目前实际实施中存在的问题,并浅谈了我国的工程造价的现状与未来。来达到合理使用投资,有效地控制造价,取得最佳投资效益的目的,逐步建立起适应社会主义市场经济体制,符合中国国情与国际惯例接轨的工程造价管理体制。 Office Building of a four-story residential project engineering calculation book Abstract Found by drawing the budget cost for a project is very important. Since such a large proportion of total cost, control cost, management cost is especially important. Project cost runs through the whole process of project construction, to be dynamic, will effectively control the project cost must be at different stages to enhance control of every step. Effectively control the project cost, to maximize investment returns, is the different roles of project managers primary problem. In the occasion of the century, China joined the World Trade Organization. With the further opening up the Chinese market, Chinas trade barriers fall, the domestic market, international, fully integrated domestic and foreign markets, foreign companies must use its capital, technology, management, personnel, services, and other advantages, squeeze in the domestic market, especially the construction market. This gives our project cost management has brought new challenges. This article on the work at every stage of the importance of cost management for each analysis and explain how to enhance the cost management for existing in the current project cost estimates over estimates, the budget over budget and final accounts and the stat



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