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目录 引言 2 1 研究概况和发展意义 2 1.1课题背景 2 1.2课题的提出及意义 3 2 系统的硬件设计 4 2.1系统硬件电路模块 4 2.2基本电路模块的阐述 5 2.2.1单片机模块 5 2.2.2热释电红外传感器原理 7 2.2.3智能限电报警模块 7 3 各个模块的外围控制电路 9 3.1电源电路 9 3.2传感器信号处理电路 10 3.3热释电红外传感器电路及继电器控制电路 10 3.4声光报警电路设计 11 4 软件设计 13 4.1系统总体软件设计 13 4.2人体红外遥感控制开关软件设计 13 4.3限电器报警软件设计 15 总结 18 参考文献 19 附录 21 附录A 主要程序 21 致谢 25 基于单片机的公寓智能管理设计 作者 xxx 指导老师 xxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxx,湛江 524048) 摘要:随着高等学校后勤社会化改革的不断推进,各高等院校通过多种渠道建设了一批又一批现代化、智能化的学生公寓,公寓内的配置不仅能满足学生的基本生活要求,而且装有电热水器,电视、电脑网络和空调等等,这些用电设备需要比较完善的用电控制和管理系统,否则会造成学校的用电量剧增,电费增加,经济负担加重。因此本文设计一种基于单片机AT89C51的节能断电保护、安全报警电路。该电路以AT89C51单片机为控制核心,利用人体红外传感器检测有无人在,当宿舍无人超过一定时间后,会自动切断供电,起到节能与断电保护的作用,利用GSM短信模块的智能防大功率用电报警系统,并从基本工作原理、电路构成进行详细阐述。 关键词:AT89C51;人体红外传感器;报警;智能 Based on SCM apartment of intelligent design xxxx (School Of Information Science And Technology, Zhanjiang Normal University, Zhanjiang, 524048 ) Abstract: With the development of higher school logistics socialization reform, colleges and universities through various channels to the construction of a batch of another batch of modernization, intelligent student apartment, apartment configuration can not only meet the students basic living requirements, and is provided with an electric water heater, TV, computer network and air conditioning and so on, these electric equipment need more perfect control and management system, otherwise it will cause the school n leap, tariff increase, economic burden. Therefore this design based on single chip AT89C51energy-saving power-off protection, safety alarm circuit. The circuit takes the AT89C51single chip microcomputer as the control core, using the human body infrared sensor detects no one in, when the dormitory nobody over a certain time, can automatically cut off the power supply, saving the energy and power failure protection function, using GSM SMS module of intelligent anti large power alarm system, and the basic working principle, circuit structure in detail. Key words:AT89C51;Human body infrared sensor;Alarm;Intelligence 引言 随着人们生活水平的提高



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