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摘 要 本文从发动机的基础知识入手,以我们最常见的、应用较广泛的电控燃油喷射系统为例,较系统地介绍了汽油电控燃油喷射技术的发展历程,汽油电控燃油喷射系统的类型、结构组成、工作原理,较详细地介绍了帕萨特B5轿车电控燃油喷射系统组成与工作原理,描述了帕萨特B5轿车的故障诊断与分析。文章内容具有较强的针对性与实用性,电子控制燃油喷射装置是在电子控制单元的自动控制下,通过电控喷油器将发动机所需要的燃油成雾状地喷射到汽油发动机的进气歧管内或气缸内,然后与空气混合形成可燃混合气。电子控制燃油喷射系统与传统化油器燃油供给系统相比,由于原理上全然不同,因而结构上也面目全非。所以在分析故障和进行维修时,与常规方法有很大的不同。可作为汽车维修入门的参考资料。 关键词电控燃油喷射系统结构工作原理故障诊断与 Abstract This article from the basic knowledge of the engine, to our most common, application widespread electronic-control fuel injection system as an example, the article systematically introduces gasoline electronic-control fuel injection technology development history, gasoline electronic-control fuel injection system types, structure, working principle, a particulared introduction passat B5 car electronic-control fuel injection system composition and working principle, describes the passatB5 car fault diagnosis and analysis, the article content with strong pertinence and practicability, the electronic control fuel injection device is in electronic control unit under control, automatic control by the engine injector needed fuel into mist shape to jet to gasoline engine intake manifold or inside cylinders, then mixed with air mixture formation. The electronic control fuel injection system and the traditional carburetor fuel supplying system, because compared the principle, and the different structural ulterly changed also. So in failure analysis and maintenance, and conventional methods are quite different. Can be used as automobile maintenance introductory reference material. Key words:Electronic Fuel Injection System; Structure; Working Principle; Fault Diagnosis and Analysis 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 电控汽油喷射系统的发展历程 1 1.2电控燃油喷射技术的现状 2 1.3 电控燃油喷射技术发展趋势 3 1.3.1 燃油供给系 3 1.3.2 空气供给系 4 1.3.3 电控系 4 第2章 帕萨特B5轿车电控燃油喷射系统 6 2.1帕萨特B5轿车电控燃油喷射系统的概述 6 2.2帕萨特B5轿车电控燃油喷射系统的组成与基本原理 7 2.2.1汽油供给系统的主要部件 8 2.2.2 空气供给系统主要部件的结构和工作原理 12 2.2.3控制系统的主要部件 15 第3章 帕萨特B5轿车电控燃油喷射系统检测的步骤和方法 21 3.1检修注意事项与维修技术参数 21 3.1.1 检修注意事项 21 3.1.2维修技术参数 21 3.2 诊断步骤 22 3.


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