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摘 要 .步进电机是一种通过电脉冲信号控制相绕组电流实现定角转动的机电元件,与其他类型电机相比具有易于开环精确控制、无积累误差等优点,在众多领域中获得了广泛的应用。 本文首先简单的介绍了步进电机的发展概况、特点及工作原理。包括步进电机的控制方式和驱动方式作了系统说明,给出了系统设计的总体方案,以及本系统的特点和功能。然后介绍了.Net平台下利用WINFORM实现上位机对步进电机控制的原理和详细过程,最后以51系列单片机为主控制器,详细介绍了下位机的系统设计流程。 本文主要阐述了基于.NET平台的步进电机软件控制开发的流程和程序设计。同时给出了步进电机的正反转、速度控制的程序清单。本设计采用基于.NET平台的软件部分作为上位机,51系列单片机控制的步进电机作为下位机,通过串口通讯原理使上位机实现对下位机正反转等控制 关键词:步进电机、 .NET 、WINFORM、51系列单片机 Abstract Stepping motor is a through the electrical impulses signal control phase windings current realize fixed-angle rotating mechanical and electronic components, compared with other types of motor which is easy to open ring precise control without error accumulation, etc, and in many fields has widespread application. This paper first introduces the simple step motor development situation, characteristics and working principle. Including the step motor control mode and the driving style that system are given, and the overall scheme of the system design, and the system characteristics and function. And then introduced the workbench use WINFORM realize PC for step motor control principle and detailed process, finally to 51 series microcontroller primarily controller, detailed introduces the system under a machine design process. This article mainly expounds the based on platform of stepping motor control software development process and program design. And presents the step motor and reversing, speed control program list. This design USES the based on platform software part as a PC, 51 single-chip microcomputer control series of stepping motor as the next place machine, through serial communication principle make PC to achieve a machine and reversing under control. Keywords: step motor, , WINFORM, 51 series microcontroller 目录 摘要··································································Ⅰ Abstract·······························································Ⅱ 1 绪论 1.1 课题研究的背景、目的及意义·····································1 1.1.1 课题研究的背景····························



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