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本文建立了分析精度较高的用于检测纺织品里含棉量的近红外光谱分析模型。选择了138个纺织品样品作为对象,利用布鲁克TENSOR37型傅里叶红外光谱仪采集其近红外光谱;然后,分别经SNV和小波变换方法预处理,结合偏最小二乘法(PLS)(PLS)(RMSEC)(RMSEP)Rapid determination of cotton content in textile by near-infrared spectroscopy technology
In this work, a calibration model for determining the content in textile precisely was established. The near infrared spectra of 138 textile samples were collected using TENSOR 37 fourier transform near infrared spectrometer, and SNV and wavelet transform were used to pretreat the spectra. Calibration models for cotton content were established with partial least squares(PLS) method. The experimental results indicate that the model was established by the spectral date after SNV pretreament with partial least squares(PLS) method has higher analysis accuracy. With the model, the Root Mean Square Error Of Cross Validation(RMSECV) and Root Mean Square Error Of Prediction(RMSEP) are 10.7231 and 4.7141, respectively. And a good correlation between reference concentrations and predicted values(R=0.9781) was obtained. The proposed approach can basically meet the accuracy requirement of the rapid quantitative detection in the textile field and can appear to be a valid alterative for detection of cotton content in textile.
Keywords:near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy;textile;cotton content;Partial Least Square(PLS) method; pretreament目录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 纺织品行业概述 1
1.2 纺织品检测技术的研究进展 2
1.3 本课题的研究目的和意义 2
1.4 本论文研究内容 3
第二章 近红外光谱分析技术概述 4
2.1 近红外光谱分析技术简介 4
2.1.1 近红外光谱分析技术的发展回顾 4
2.1.2 近红外光谱技术国内外研究现状 5
2.1.3 近红外光谱技术的特点 5
2.2 近红外光谱的工作原理 6
2.3 近红外光谱分析基本步骤 6
2.3.1 代表性样品的收集 7
2.3.2 样品的近红外光谱数据的采集 7
2.3.3 利用标准的化学方法对样品进行化学成分测定 7
2.3.4 利用化学计量方法建立校正模型 7
2.3.5 未知样品的分析 7
2.4 近红外光谱技术中的化学计量学方法 8
2.4.1 光谱预处理方法 8
2.4.2 多元校正 9
2.4.3 评价近红外光谱数学模型优劣的标准 9
第三章 实验部分 11
3.1 试验及材料 11
3.1.1 样品的准备 11
3.1.2 仪器和软件的介绍 11
3.2 光谱的采集与模型的建立 12
3.2.1 近红外光谱的采集 12
3.2.2 光谱的预处理与分析 12
3.2.3 光谱分析模型的建立 13
3.3 试验结果与分析 18
第四章 结论与展望 20
4.1 研究结论 20
4.2 研究展望 20
致谢 22
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