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需全套CAD图纸 联系QQ 695132052各专业都有 摘 要 本建筑为拟建于的,建筑面积为。高度,由构成。场地为Ⅱ类场地,地震分组为第二组,抗震。建筑设计部分包括总体布局、平面与竖向交通、建筑朝向与选型以及防火和疏散要求。主要进行了建筑设计构思,平面布局、立面设计、剖面设计以及防火和疏散设计。平面布局合理、立面简洁大方,满足功能要求。 本建筑上部结构采用钢结构体系,下部采用基础。 关键词:钢结构;设计;内力组合;;基础 Abstract This building is a tier steel frame structural recreation ground, which is to be built in the Summer palace of Daqing City. Its total area is 5184 square meters. Its overall height is 12.4 meters and constructed with the swimming pool and office area. The area is the second type area, and the second group in earthquake resistance intensity. This article includes two parts that are architecture design and structural design. Architecture design includes the total layout, plane and the perpendicular transportation, the orientation of the building and chooses the size, and the design of fireproof and dispersion. the plane’s arrangement is reasonable,and its semblance is succinct and generous,which satisfies the function’s requirement. The structure design includes what is following as the structure arrangement, the calculation of loads, the combination of the internal forces, the calculation of the frame; the calculation of the crane’s beam and the calculation of column and foundation. The method of bottom shearing force is used to calculate the lateral seismic action. In according to the geologic condition, spread foundation is adopted. Through the calculating and designing, the instruction of structure design of the building and some construction plans are finished. The structure system of all steel frames is adopted in the building’s top structure and the spread foundation is adopts in its foundation structure. Key words: Steel structures; architecture design; the combination of the internal forces; structure steel frame; spread foundation 目 录 第1章 建筑设计 1 1.1 夏宫休闲娱乐中心组成 1 1.2平面设计 1 1.3 剖面设计 2 1.4立面设计及内部空间处理 3 第2章 结构设计 4 2.1 荷载计算 4 2.2 钢框架设计 7 2.3 组合楼板设计 51 2.4 网架设计 55 2.5 檩条设计 63 2.6 基础设计 65 结 论 69 参考文献 70 致 谢 71 第1章 建筑设计的组成系成。是的基本单位,组成 1.1.2 构


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