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毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 班 级: _ 学生姓名: _ 学 号: 课 题: _____石灰窑工艺参数的测控系统设计 指导老师: 2011年6月8日 石灰窑工艺参数的测控系统设计 摘要 本设计采用PLC可编程控制器为设计核心,当前可编程控制器已经成为电气控制系统中应用最为广泛的核心装置。我国当前的经济发展特别是钢铁行业对于活性石灰需求相当大,石灰品质的好坏直接影响着钢铁的质量,因此采用先进的自动控制系统对于提高炼铁炼钢的产量和质量,有十分重要的意义。石灰窑过程控制系统可靠、操作方便、控制及时,为企业带来了可观的经济效益和良好的社会效益。 石灰窑控制系统是包括码头上料、原料系统、窑头系统、窑尾烟气处理系统、窑预热器系统、成品系统、监测系统、系统网络通讯等系统的基础级自动控制。系统采用三电一体化控制,主体工艺采用三电合一的控制思想,实现仪表、电气及自动控制系统的集成控制。 系统采用集散型PLC实现分布式网络控制,确保系统运行稳定可靠;上位机、PLC之间的通讯采用工业以太网结构,确保系统具有良好的开放性;方案设计充分考虑节能降耗,减少磁干扰,提高系统的稳定性;在完成基础级自动化的基础上,统一规划网络结构。 关键词:石灰窑 测控系统 PLC Abstract The design uses a PLC programmable controller for the design of the core, the current PLC electrical control system has become the most widely used heart devices. Chinas current economic development, especially for the steel industry needs a large lime, lime quality have a direct impact on the quality of steel, so the use of advanced automatic control system for improving yield and quality of Iron and Steel, has a very important significance. Lime kiln process control system is reliable, easy to operate and control in time for the enterprise has brought considerable economic and good social benefits. Lime kiln control system is included dock materials, materials systems, kiln system, the kiln flue gas treatment system, kiln preheater system, the finished system, monitoring system, system network communication system based automatic control level. Integrated control system using three-, three-one of the main technology used to control thought, to achieve instrumentation, electrical and automatic control system integration control. Distributed PLC system uses a distributed network control, to ensure stable and reliable; host computer, PLC Industrial Ethernet communication between the structures u


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