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Southwest university of science and technology 本科毕业设计(论文) 十字轴加工工艺及其夹具设计 学院名称 制造科学与工程学院 专业名称 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 高级工程师 年 月 十字轴加工工艺及其夹具设计 摘要:中国已成为世界汽车消费大国,发达国家争相在中国建厂,以求提高市场占有率。中国人口众多,汽车市场有着巨大的潜力,将为汽车零件的发展带来更加广阔的发展空间。 十字轴为驱动桥差速器总成中的一个零件,其主要作用为支承四个行星齿轮,从而实现汽车在转弯时的差速转动。本文通过对差速器十字轴的结构特点进行分析,制定了差速器十字轴的加工工艺及夹具。针对零件所要求的加工质量,拟定加工方案并从中选择最优方案。在保证加工质量的同时尽量提高生产效率,选择合理的机床及夹具,以降低成本。以AUTOCAD和三维造形软件UG(Unigraphics)为设计平台,分别绘制了夹具的装配图、零件图和差速器十字轴零件的三维模型。 关键词:差速器十字轴;加工工艺;夹具设计 The processing technology of Differential Cross-axis and the design of fixtures Abstract: China has become one of the worlds biggest automotive consumers. in order to increase the market share in China ,the developed countries has been building their factories in China. China has large population, the automotive market has great potential. This will give the development of automotive parts a broader space. The Cross-axis is a part of drive axle differential .Its mail role is supporting the four planetary gears on it so that the car can achieve differential rotation when the car swerves. Based on the analyzing of the structures and characteristics of differential cross-axis, The processing technology of Differential Cross-axis and the design of jigs and fixtures can be formulated. Considering the required processing quality of the parts, then formulate a few blue prints and choose the best one among them. To reduce the processing cost, choose related suitable machine tools and jigs and fixtures on the premise of the required processing quality. Using the software of AUTOCAD and UG as the design of platforms, apartly draft the assembling drawings and the part drawings of the jigs and fixtures and three-dimensional models of differential cross-axis. Key words: differential cross-axis, processing technology, design of jigs and fixtures, 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 国内外研究状况 2 1.2.1 全球主要国家汽车产量变化概述 3 1.2.2 国际零件部件企业概况及未来趋势 3 1.2.3 我国汽车工业概况 3 1.2.4 我国自主品牌的发展现状 4 1.2.5 我国汽配市场发展状况分析 6 1.2.6 我


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