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7 1 ( ) V o l7 N o1 2007 3 Journal o f K unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echno logy M ar2007 赵 佳 李希昆 张树兴 ( 650224) : 腾 北海湿地是亚热带火山熔岩堰塞湖 是西南唯一高原火山堰塞湖沼泽湿地 是生物物 种保护地及自然历史遗迹保护地 其独特的高原湿地自然生态系具有非常重要的科考研究价值和富有特 色的生态价值但是随着旅游业的发展 北海湿地遭到了严重的破坏 从北海湿地受到破坏的原因着手 加以分析 并提出加强北海湿地保护的一些建议 : 北海湿地; 保护; 管理办法 : D9226 : A : 167 1- 1254 ( 2007) 0 1- 0011- 04 Thoughts on the P rotection of Beihai W etland in T engchong ZHAO J ia, L I X ikun, ZHA NG Shux ing ( F acu lty of L aw Kunm ing U n iversity o f Sc ience T echno logy K unm ing Y unnan 650224 Ch ina) Abs tract: B eiha iW e tland of T engchong is a b arrier lake form ed o f lava in the subtrop ica l zone the on ly plateau w et land o f lava b arrier lake in Southw est Ch ina asw e ll as the sp ec ies preserve and natural and histo rical heritage preserve w ith the sp ec ial natura l ecolog ical system o f the p lateau w etland w ith mi po rtan t sign ificance for scientific research and featured eco logy. H ow ever w ith the deve lopm ent of tourism Be ih ai W etland h as been dam aged severely. A n ana lysis from the perspective of the cau ses for the dam age of Be ih ai W etland is m ade in this p aper and som e suggestion s are proposed for strengthen ing the pro tection o f Beiha iW etland. K ey words: B eih a iW et land; protection; m anagem ent ru les 2005 1


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