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Unit One Text I Hit the Nail on the Head (恰到好处;一语中的) I. Pre-reading Questions 1. It means “exactly right in words or action”. 2. The author advises that the English students should try to get the words, phrases and sentences completely right for their purposes in writing. III. Library Work 1. 1) Gustave Flaubert (1821 – 1880), French novelist, was associated with, though not representative of, the movement of naturalism and known as one of the greatest realists of 19th-century France. He devoted his life to long hours spent in heavy toil over his work. His writing is marked by exactness and accuracy of observation, extreme impersonality and objectivity of treatment, and precision and expressiveness in style, or the principle of the mot juste. Representative work: Madame Bovary 1. 2) Mrs. Malaprop is a famous character in Sheridan’s comedy The Rivals (1775). She is noted for her blunders in the use of words. 2. Hindi(印地语)is a literary and official language of northern India. Swahili(斯瓦希里语)is a Bantu(班图) language that is a trade and governmental language over much of East Africa and in the Congo region. V. Key Points of the Text Paragraph 1 1. knock over: hit … to fall 捶翻 2. drive … home: force (the nail) into the right place; make something unmistakably clear 把(钉子等)打入;使。。。明确无误 E.g. (1). He slammed the door and drove the bolt home. 他砰地关上门,把门闩插好。 (2). drive one’s point home 讲清楚自己的观点 (4). To drive home his policy, the president wrote his second letter. 为了阐明他的政策,总统又写了第二封信。 (5). You must drive it home to John that we don’t have enough money. 你必须使约翰明白我们的钱确实不够。 3. deft: effortlessly skillful 熟练的 4. hit it squarely on the head: hitting it directly on the head 正中要害;猜中;说得好,做得好 E.g. : (1). Your criticism really hit the nail on the head. 你的批评的确是一针见血。 (2). In so saying, you hit the right nail on the head. 你这样说确实击中要害。 squarely: meaning “directly”, may be used both literally and figuratively. E.g. : (1). The boxer hit h


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