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中文资料表 姓名 手机号码 家庭电话座机号码 家庭住址及邮编 学历 申请人邮箱 父亲姓名 父亲出生地 母亲姓名 母亲出生地 配偶姓名 配偶出生地 预计入境的时间 年 月 日 预计停留的天数 天 是否去过印度 在印度到访的城市 是否被拒签过? 是 否 拒签时间和地点 单位名称 单位英文名称(如果有) 单位电话 单位地址 职务及月薪 入职时间 单位负责人姓名 单位负责人职务 在职证明模板(打印时请不要打印此字样) Date: dd/mm/2014 The Embassy of India Beijing, China Name D.O.B Passport Num ID NUM Position Annual Salary The above mentioned applicant is holding Chinese Common Passport, the applicant is employed by our company since dd/mm/yyyy. He/She is applying for the visa to India as the tourist from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy. During his/her visit, he/she will be responsible to settle all the expenses including air fare, hotel accommodation, meals and other expenses. We further guarantee the applicant will comply with local law and regulations during his/her visit and will also be back on time, meanwhile, we are willing to retain his/her position and salary until he/she comes back. Yours Faithfully Company Name: Company Add: Company Tel: Principal Name: Principal Position: 在读证明模板(打印时请不要打印此字样) Date:dd/mm/2014 The Embassy of India Beijing, China Name D.O.B Passport Num ID NUM The above mentioned applicant is holding Chinese Common Passport, the applicant is a student of Beijing Oil University Affiliated school, studied in Class 6, Grade 5. He/She is applying for the visa to India as the tourist from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy. During his/her visit, all the expenses including air fare, hotel accommodation, meals and other expenses will be paid by his/her mother/father. We further guarantee the applicant will comply with local law and regulations during his/her visit and will also be back on time. Yours Faithfully School Name: School Add: Principal Tel: Principal Name: Principal Position:


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