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长 治 学 院 2015届学士学位毕业论文 农村土地承包经营权流转问题的法律分析 学 号: 姓 名: 孙俐俐 指导教师: 普金霞 专 业: 法 学 系 别: 法律与经济学系 完成时间:2015年5月 农村土地承包经营权流转问题的法律分析 专业:法 学 姓名: 孙俐俐 学号 指导教师:普金霞 摘要:稳定和完善土地承包关系,是维护农民权益,促进农业进步的基础。而土地承包经营权的流转,又是解决这一问题的一个主要环节。但在现实生活中,由于此制度不够完善及其他社会因素的影响,使土地承包经营权不能进入市场自由流转。因此,在坚持家庭联产承包责任制的基础上,建立有利于农业发展的土地流转机制,推动农村土地承包经营权有序的流转,成为我国农业发展的大势所趋。本文共分为三个部分,第一部分是对土地承包经营权流转的法理分析,包括其定义及意义。第二部分针对目前我国的现状,重点阐述流转中存在的问题及原因。第三部分列出了自己对完善此制度的看法和建议,希望能够促进其流转。 关键词:土地承包经营权;流转;法律规制 The Legal Analysis of the Circulation of Rural Land Contractual Management Right Name:Sun Li li Tutor:Pu Jin xia Abstract: The stabilization and promotion for the land contract relationship is the foundation to defend farmers’ benefits and accelerate agriculture development. Besides, the issue of the transfer of the right to land contractual management is the key link to it. However ,in practice ,the right to land contractual management can not enter the market to achieve its free transfer because of the imperfection of the transfer system of the right to land contractual management and the other social factors. Therefore, on the basis of the household contract responsibility system, it is a big trend for agriculture development of our country to build up the system of land transfer good for the scale and industrialization of agriculture and promote the transfer of the right to land contractual management in order. This thesis consists of three parts. The first part is about the legal analysis for the transfer of the right to land contractual management including the meaning and connotation of its definition. The second part mainly states the problems and the reasons in terms of the present situation of the right to land contractual management. In the third part, the writer puts forward her own opinions and suggestions with respect to the perfection of the system. Key Words: Right to land co


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