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时态语态之完成时 一.高考真题 1.(湖北2008) Seldom ________________________(他们玩)video games ever since they entered college.(play)have they played 2. (湖北2009) ___________________________________(任何计划好了的事) is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever) Whatever has been planned 3. (湖北2010) ______________________________(正如我们强调的那样) many times, “serve the people” is our first policy. (stress) As we have stressed 4. (湖北2010) My mother was so proud of all __________________________(我所做的) that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing. (do) (that) I had done 5. (湖北2010) Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people __________________________________(未证实) yet. (prove) had not been proved 二.现在完成时 1. 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果; 或者表示过去的一次或几次经历。 标志性时间状语:already, yet, just, ever, never, recently, lately,before, many times… The manager has just left. If only you had come a moment earlier. I have only been to the Great Wall once. It seems to me that I have met this man somewhere before. 区别:一般过去时仅仅说明过去发生的动作或事实,与现在毫无关系;可接具体的时间状语。 She looked very well when I last saw her. The price has gone down, but I doubt whether it will remain so until next two months. 2. 表示从过去开始一直延续到现在(强调时间跨度),而且还可能继续下去的动作或状态。 标志性时间状语:for a week, (ever)since, up to/until now, so far, in/during/over/for the last/past few years… So far this year we have seen a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. In the last few years thousands of films have been produced all over the world. 区别:现在完成进行时主要强调在某段时间内动作“一直”持续或“反复”进行。 标志性时间状语:the whole day, all the afternoon… She has been writing a report, but she hasn’t finished it yet. I’m sure you will do better in the test because you have been working so hard this year. 三.过去完成时 1. 表示过去某一时间或动作之前完成的动做或经历,亦即“过去的过去”。 标志性时间状语:by/by the end of /before/by the time + 过去的时间 I had learned maths all by myself by the age of fourteen. Experiments of this kind had been conducted in both the US and Europe well before the Second World War. 2. 表示过去未曾实现的希望、打算或意图,常见


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