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GRE ISSUE Examples 万能例子 1. 满江红 A song commemorating one of the greatest national hero in China. Forbidden? --- devastating to the harmony of peoples Withstand and Manchurian --- one of 56 peoples in China, and fight for the Song Dynasty. Qinhui? 秦桧--- Hero? 可以论证的问题: 1.history VS future 2. 事物absolute 3. patriot 4. genuine hero 2. The need of political propaganda 郑成功 VS 蒋介石 A national hero depicted by authorities Defeat the invaders in Taiwan However,…his descendants are depicted as treasons 可以论证的问题: 1.政治的真假 2. history VS future 3. Politicians’ White Lie The royal family of Tang Dynasty claimed themselves as the descendants of the Laozi, one of the greatest sages in Chinese history, to conceal the truth that they were actually related to a minority group. Purpose? --- consolidate their regime Buddha Jesus Christ Mohammed Mythology from real life? 4. Michael Dell 戴尔 Dell Computer A Fortune 500 company 中途辍学,创新,坚持自己的看法personal selling 直销 5. Monopoly 垄断 Competition Invisible hand 看不见的手 Market failure 市场失灵 Vicious competition 恶性竞争 Vicious circle 恶性循环 Keynes(凯恩斯)宏观经济调控理论是在David Richard (大卫?李嘉图) “看不见的手”理论上的创新,是在前者缺陷的基础上发展起来的。Market failure 市场失灵是缺陷,economic crisis in the late 1930s是其体现。 5. Churchill 丘吉尔 Be troubled with stammer 小时候是结巴,苦练成为著名演说家 6. Lincoln Civil War The leader of Federation 美国的hero 7. Jack Welch 杰克?韦尔奇 General Electric Company 企业的leader 8. Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 Commander 军事上的leader 9. Edison Phonograph 留声机 Electric bulb 电灯泡 10. Einstein The general and special theory of relativity 广义和狭义相对论 the photoelectric effect 光电效应 Einstein获Nobel是由于其解释了光电效应,但其相对论的贡献也很大。可用于Nobel获奖那道issue 11. Alfred Nobel Dynamite 他发明的炸药 Explosive 锲而不舍,而且捐赠了Nobel基金 12. Aristotle Geocentric theory 13. Plato Spiritual love( Emily Dickenson) 14. Cisco Systems, Inc 思科 1984起家 The surge of Internet economy是机会,但对每个人都是公平的,思科贵在抓住机会,而且在网络经济泡沫破灭后仍然屹立不到。证明机会不是决定因素。 15. Enron 安然 Fraudulent accounting techniques 财务造假 Listed as the 7th largest company in the United States S


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