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GRE出题者常见态度 同情弱势群体 喜新厌旧 标新立异 复习四原则 -1 至少三遍第一遍:以既有水平,尽量看懂第二遍:生词;长难句 (a, v,),出题点第三遍:分析文章结构和逻辑脉络 -2 头脑空白原则 -3 顺序原则先文后题,先套路后细节 复习四原则 -4 总结原则key word,段落关键词 → 细节题structure,文章结构 → 写法性主题题goal,文章目的 → 目的性主题题main idea → 内容性主题题attitude →topic sentence → 应对方式 逻辑阅读 非匀速阅读 一体化阅读 p88 逻辑点 TS 主题句 SE 结构句 =; ≠ 等于 >, < 比较 ⊙ 唯一性/最高级 + / - 态度 ∨ 缺陷 ⊥ 强对比 1,2,3 列举 → 因果 △ 转折 折磨 P10. It can be inferred from the passage that if the flock of birds described in lines 6-8 were navigating by compass sense alone, they would, after the storm, fly (A) East (B) north (C) northwest (D) south (E) southeast Of the following descriptions of migrating animals, which most strongly suggests that the animals are depending on magnetic cues to orient themselves? (A) Pigeons can properly readjust their course even when flying long distances through exceedingly dense fogs. (B) Bison are able to reach their destination by passing through a landscape that has been partially altered by a recent fire. (C) Elephants are able to find grounds that some members of the herd have never seen before. (D) Swallows are able to return to a given spot at the same time every year. (E) Monarch butterflies coming from different parts of North America are able to arrive at the same location each winter. P19. The author suggests that the variety of incidents in the Odyssey is likely to deter the reader from (A) concentrating on the poem’s mythological features (B) concentrating on the psychological states of the poem’s central character (C) accepting the explanation that have been offered for the poem’s popularity (D) accepting the poem’s scheme of divine justice (E) accepting Maynard Mack’s theory that the poem’s subject is “life-as-spectacle” P23. It can be inferred from the passage that which o