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The Spring Festival held on the first day of each year of the lunar calendar and lasting for weeks, the spring festival is regarded by the Chinese people as the grandest and most important annual festival, similar to Christmas Day for Western people. Originating during the Shang Dynasty, 春节是每年阴历第一天举行的,持久几个星期的节日。它是中国人民作为最隆重和最重要的年度节日,类似于西方的圣诞节,原始于商朝。 Spring Festival, which celebrates family reunion, is full of rich and colorful activities, and new hopes with the advent of spring and flowers blossoming. People from different regions and different ethnic groups celebrate it in their unique ways. 春节,庆祝家人团聚,充满了丰富多彩的活动,以及春天新的希望,鲜花朵朵。人们以独特的方式在不同的地区不同的族群庆祝它。 Spring Festival Traditions During the period from the 23rd day of the previous lunar month to the event, every family does a thorough house cleaning and purchases enough food, including fish, meat, roasted nuts and seeds, all kinds of candies and fruits, etc, for the festival period. Also, new clothes must be bought, especially for children. 春节传统 :春节前第23天到一个月期间做这项活动,每个家庭彻底清扫房子,购买足够的食品,包括鱼,肉,烤坚果和种子,多种糖果和水果等。此外,新衣服必须买,尤其是对儿童。 Eating Jiaozi The indispensable food during spring festival is Jiaozi. Made with flours and stuffed with different fillings, Jiaozi is usually eaten on New Years Eve. Because its shape resembles the Chinese Yuanbao, eating Jiaozi means wealth in the coming year. 在春节,饺子是不可缺少的食物。用面粉和毛绒不同填充材料,饺子,通常在除夕时吃。因为它的形状类似于元宝,吃饺子,意味在未来1年里有财富。 People wrap coins, candies, peanuts, or chestnuts in the Jiaozi. People who eat one will be blessed with receiving different wishes, such as a coin for wealth, candies for sweet life, peanuts for health and longevity, and chestnuts for vigor. 人们用硬币,糖果,花生,栗子包在饺子里。 人吃到可以许不同的愿望,如一个硬币的财富,糖果甜的生活,花生为健康长寿,栗子为活力。 The Chinese character Fu is pasted on the center of the door and paper-cut pictures adorn windows. Everyone looks forward eagerly to the New Year. 汉字的福是贴在大门的中心和剪纸图片装饰在窗户上。每个人都期待着新的一年。 The Spring Festival lasts until the Lantern Festival begins fifteen days later m


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