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2 8 1 2 2011
Acta Mater iae Comp ositae Sin ica V ol2 8 N o1 F ebr uar y 2011
: 1000 - 3851( 20 11) 0 1- 0124 - 0 8
* 1, 3 2
邢静忠 , 陈 利
( 1. , 300 160; 2. , 300 160;
3. , 300 160)
, ,
H offman T sa - W u
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: T B33; O 34 3 : A
Strength of filament wound thick- walled cylindrical vessel under internal
and external pressure
XIN G J ngzho ng * 1, 3 , CH EN L 2
( 1. Schoo l of M echan cal and Electro n c Eng neer ng, T anj n P olytechn c U n v ers t y, T anj n 300160 , Ch na;
2 . Inst tute of Com po s te M ater als, T anj n Po ly techn c U n v ers ty , T anj n 300160 , Ch na;
3 . M n str y o f Educat on K ey L abo rato ry of A dv anced T ext le Com pos te M ater a ls, T anj n 300160 , Ch na)
Abstract: T he strength of a th ck- w alled vessel w th alternate- ply f lament w nd ng ( F W) outs de an sot rop c l ner
under nternal and exter nal pressur e w as nvest g ated by thr ee- d mens o nal ( 3D) ort ho tro p c st ress- stra n r elat on
and ax symmetr c th ck- w alled cy l nder theor y. T he st resses o f t