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年 月第 卷第 期
·医药教育 · 2013 6 20 18
孙集宽 1 李佳宁2 徐鲁斌2
北京协和医学院国际合作处,北京 ; 北京协和医学院,北京
1. 100005 2. 100005
摘要 医学生境外短期交流项目是医学教育国际化的重要组成部分,对医学生的医疗技能、文化能力和职业选
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择都有着深远的影响。 北京协和医学院自1986 年开始,为学生提供海内外临床实习见习的机会。 本文回顾北京
关键词 医学生境外短期交流项目;北京协和医学院;临床实习
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[中图分类号] R197.32 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1674-4721 (2013 )06 (c )-0134-04
The system of clinical practice and probation at home and abroad of the
small-scale characteristic school-running of Beijing Union Medical Col -
lege for eight years
SUN Jikuan1 LI Jianing2 XU Lubin2
1.Department of the International Cooperation,Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100005,China; 2.Peking Union
Medical College,Beijing 100005,China
[Abstract] Medical students overseas short-term project is an important part of internationalization of medical educa -
tion,and it has profound effect on participants medical skills, cultural competencies as well as career choices. Peking
Union Medical College (PUMC) has been integrating IHE into the 8-year M.D. program since 1986. Here are our intro -
duction to the history of IHE programs at PUMC, assessment the impact of taking international electives on students,
reflection on how to run the program and perspectives on its future development.
[Key words] Medical students overseas short-term project; Peking Union Medical College; Clinical practice