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摘 要 伴随着我国经济的迅猛发展,城市化进程的不断加快,城市中随意丢弃的废品也越来越多,带来了众多的环境和社会问题。废旧物品的随意丢弃不但对城市的环境,生态造成严重污染,而且造成了严重的资源浪费,影响社会经济水平的提高,如何有效的处理城市废品,实现资源的循环再利用,已成为一个世界性的课题。在我国此问题尤为突出。 城市废品回收物流体系的构建问题是一个关系到经济和社会效益的问题。本文从城市废品回收物流网络的相关概念入手,介绍了我国城市废品回收的模式现状,找出了存在的问题,设计出了合理的城市废品回收物流的流程。运用Witness这款数值仿真软件,进行了计算机模型的仿真,并在此基础上进行了系统优化。 关键词:回收物流,城市废品,Witness,仿真优化 Abstract With the rapid development of economy,urbanization is accelerating,more and more waste is discarded in the city,causing many problems of the social and environment.Municipal solid waste which has not only caused serious pollution of the citys ecology and health,but also has affected the city’ economic development,has become a bottleneck of restricting the rapid development of the city.In China,the waste recycling rate is relatively low,a large number of recyclable resources ate discarded,causing serious waste of resources,it is necessary to recycle the resources. The design of waste logistics network is a matter of economic and social benefits.This article starts with the related concepts of the logistics network for municipal wastage recovery work and through the introduction to the present situation of municipal wastage recovery model, try to find out the existing problem and design a reasonable municipal wastage recovery process. Using the numerical simulation software WITNESS, this paper simulated the computer model, and the system has been optimized based on it. Key words:recycling logistics, urban waste, Witness, optimization 目 录 前 言 1 1绪论 2 1.1研究背景 2 1.2研究意义 2 2回收物流概论 4 2.1回收物流的涵义 4 2.2回收物流的业务流程 5 2.3回收物流的主要特点 6 3城市废品回收的概况 8 3.1城市废品的来源及组成 8 3.2国内外城市废品回收物流现状 8 3.2.1国外的研究现状 8 3.2.2我国城市废品的回收模式 9 3.2.3我国城市废品的处理流程 12 3.2.4我国废品回收物流中存在的问题 12 4回收物流系统仿真技术研究 14 4.1 系统仿真概述 14 4.1.1系统仿真的定义 14 4.1.2系统仿真的术语 14 4.1.3系统仿真的分类 15 4.1.4系统仿真的步骤 15 4.1.5系统仿真的作用 17 4.2 WITNESS仿真软件及性能分析 18 4.2.1 WITNESS的用户界面 18 4.2.2 WITNESS的特点 19 4.2.3 WITNESS的规则 19 4.2.4 WITNESS的建模与仿真过程 20 5基于WITNESS的城市废品回收物流系统仿真研究 22 5.1回收系统描述 22 5.2回收系统数据 22 5.3仿真模型的建立 23 5.


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