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* * 外研版高中3年级 (第十册) Module5 A digital Life 语言点 1.But look a little closer and you will see that this Senior 3 computer expert has some impressive international connections. 但是近看一些, 你就会发现这位读高三的电脑专家有 着令人钦佩的国际交往。 impressive “ 令人钦佩的, 给人深刻印象的”, an impressive scene 难忘的场面 an impressive performance 精彩的表演 impress + 名+on/upon + 名(人) = impress + 名(人)+with +名 使人铭记 … My father impressed on me the importance of work. My father impressed me with the importance of work. 父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。 vt. 使(某人)印象深刻 The book impressed a lot of people. 那本书在很多人心中留下深刻的印象。 n. impression 印象 What is your first impressions of Beijing? 你对北京的第一印象如何? The book left/ made a deep impression on him. impressionable 善感的, 敏感的 2.MVP is a title awarded by the software giant to people who volunteer their help to computer users on the Internet. MVP是微软公司所授的称号, 褒奖给那些自愿为互联 网用户提供技术帮助的人们。 giant 大型的公司 awarded by the software giant 是动词-ed 形式短 语作定语, 相当于定语从句which /that is awarded by the software giant award means to give someone a prize or other reward because they have achieved something. Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a diploma. 成功修完课程的学生将被授予毕业文凭。 3.Unlike most teenagers, Yan makes detailed plans for everything in advance. 和大多数年轻人不同,闫诺无论做什么事, 事先都有 详尽的计划。 in advance “在前面; 预先” Details of the meeting had been circulated well in advance. 有关会议的细节消息事先已经传播开了。 in advance of “超过;在……的前面” Parents are sent a reading list a few weeks in advance of the start of the school year. 一份阅读书目在新学年开学的前几周就寄给了家长们。 v. 前进,增加,上涨 The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday. The report advances the suggestion that safety standards should be improved. 该报告建议安全标准应该改进。 4.From that time he fell in love with the machines and began to study it and has never looked back. 从那时起他就迷上了电脑, 开始研究, 而且一帆风顺。 never look back “ 保持势头, 没有停滞不前”。 Since that time our team has never looked back. 从那时起, 我们小组就不断地进步。 5.At 16 he became a certificated software engineer



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