应用化学(万有志)专业英语unit7 化学键翻译.docVIP

应用化学(万有志)专业英语unit7 化学键翻译.doc

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PART TWO THE FUNDATIONS OF CHEMISTRY Unit7Chemical Bonds 化学键 There are approximately 100 chemical elements. 世界上大概有100种元素。 There are millions of chemical compound, and about 600000 new compounds are prepared every year. 现有数百万种化合物,而且每年有60万种新化合物被合成出来。 To form these compounds, atoms of different elements must be held together in specific combinations. be held together in specific combinations 以特定的方式 为了合成这些化合物,不同种类的原子必须以特定方式结合在一起。 Chemical bonds are the forces that maintain these arrangements. That引导定语从句,修饰forces 化学键是保持这种结合状态的力。 Chemical bonding also plays a role in determining the state of matter. plays a role 起作用 化学键同时在决定物质状态方面也起作用。 At room temperature, water is a liquid, carbon dioxide is a gas, and table salt is a solid because of differences in chemical bonding. 在室温下,水是液体,二氧化碳是气体,晶体盐是固体,是由于化学键的不同。 As scientists developed an understanding of the nature of chemical bonding, they gained the ability to manipulate the structure of compounds. As引导原因状语从句 to manipulate the structure of compounds不定式短语做宾补 随着化学家对化学键认识的发展,他们获得了控制化合物结构的能力。 Dynamite, birth control pills, synthetic fibers, and a thousand other products were fashioned in chemical laboratories and () have dramatically changed the way we live. 炸药、避孕药、合成纤维,和数以千计的其他产品在实验室中被合成出来,并且魔术般的改变了我们的生活。 We are now entering an era that promises (some would say forebodes) even greater change. 我们现在进入了一个可望(或者说预言)更大变化的时代。 The DNA molecular—— the chemical basis of heredity —— carries its genetic message in its bonds in DNA. 分子DNA——遗传物质的基础——以它的键传递遗传信息。 Whether an organism is fish, fowl, hippopotamus, or human is determined by the arrangement of bonds in DNA. Whether an organism is fish, fowl, hippopotamus, or human做主语 无论一个生物体是鱼、家禽、河马还是人,都是由于DNA的键的组合方式决定的。 Scientists already have the ability to rearrange these bonds, and this ability has given them limited control over the structure of living matter. Them, limited control over the structure of living matter双宾语 科学家已经获得了重组这些键的能力,而这种能力给了他们有限的对生物体结构的控制。 As techniques of genetic en



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