高中英语Unit 2备课材料译林牛津版必修3.pdf

高中英语Unit 2备课材料译林牛津版必修3.pdf

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高中英语Unit 2备课材料译林牛津版必修3

译林牛津版模块三 Unit 2 Language 备课材料 Period 1 Welcome to the unit Emoticons or smileys explained An Emoticon (or Smiley) is a sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard. Emoticons are used in e-mail, chat, SMS (短信) and other forms of communication using computers. The most popular emoticons are the smiling faces (smileys or smilies) that people use to say “don't take what I just wrote too seriously”. If you don't see that it represents a smiling face, tip your head to the left and look at it again. The colon represents the eyes, the dash represents the nose, and the right parenthesis represents the mouth. Many people use MSN and Yahoo, for this reason I added a list with MSN and Yahoo emoticons. When using these during your chat session, they will be converted to real icons. Emoticons (情感符) Emoticons (emotional icons) are used to compensate for the inability to convey voice inflections, facial expressions, and bodily gestures in written communication. Some emoticons are better known as “smileys”. Emoticons can be very effective toward avoiding misinterpretation of the writer’s intents. While there are no standard definitions for the following emoticons, we have supplied their most usual meanings. Most emoticons will look like a face (eyes, nose, and mouth) when rotated 90 degree clockwise. :) or :-) Expresses happiness, sarcasm, or joke :( or :-( Expresses unhappiness :] or :-] Expresses jovial happiness :[ or :-[ Expresses despondent unhappiness :D or :-D Expresses jovial happiness :I or :-I Expresses indifference :-/ or :-\ Indicates undecided, confused, or skeptical. Also :/ or :\. :


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