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CBD总体概述 CBD General Overview 目录 Contents P:2~7 CBD楼宇信息P:8~87 CBD Building Information CBD政策列表P:88~91 CBD Policy List P:92~93 CBD职能部门列表 CBD Functional Departments 1 CBD总体概述 CBD General Overview 2 开篇 Opening Chapter 这是一个国际化大都市的标志。 这是一个中国融入世界的象征。 这是一个展示中国奇迹的窗口。 这在上世纪九十年代的中国,还只是一个概念。 这在北京奥运年的中国,成为了世人身边的现实。 从国务院批准在首都建设商务中心区那时起,她就俨然告别了大北窑工业区时代。 从北京市决定全面加快商务中心区建设以来,她就以不可逆转的姿态向国际化现代商务区迈进。 1993-2010 年,在跨越世纪的 18 年里,这里不仅成长起来一个崭新的 CBD,更成就了一个影响世界的地方…… She is the sign where an international city grows. She is the symbol that China is integrated into the world. She is the window through which Chinese miracle is presented. She was only a concept when it came to China in the 1990s. She was known by the world during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. She said goodbye to its “old industrial times” when the State Council approved the construction of Beijing CBD. She is on the way of being an international modern business district as the municipal government decided to speed up the construction of central business district. She has not only developed into a newly-growing CBD, but also a place of global impact over the past 18 years. 3 北京 CBD 是首都六大高端产业功能区之一,是北京市的旗帜, 南临通惠河,北至朝阳北路,承载着金融、保险、信息、咨询、 也是朝阳的名片。作为国务院批准建设的全国第一个商务中心 商业、文化和商务办公等多种服务功能。 区,从 1993 年提出概念,到 2000 年北京市委、市政


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