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2008 7 24 7 4 AIDS 卢 凌, 胡 强, 龚俊平 ! R193, R5 1291 ! A ! 1002- 9982 ( 2008) 07- 0493- 04 ! A IDS H IV , 4, 913, 2410 ∀ 571, 833% , 6 13% 10 A IDS 852% , A IDS 389% : / 3 476% , 485% ; : ; 659% H IV 4 , , ! ; A IDS; ; H IV Statusquo of knowledge and behavior related toA IDS among unlicensed prpstitutes in 4 Comprehensive AID S Response sites of Jiangxi rovince L u L ing, H u Q iang, G ong Junp ing J iangx i P rov inc ial Center f or D isease Con tro l and P rev ent ion, N anchang 330029, China Abstract! Objective T understand the status f AIDS kn w ledge, c nd m use and H IV testing am ng unli censed pr stitutes in C m prehensive A IDS Resp nse ( CARES) sites f Jiangx i Pr vince in rder t pr vide the references f r p licy f rmu lati n f A IDS preventi n and c ntr lM ethods Questi nnaire survey w as c nducted am ng 913 unli censed pr stitutes selected by cluster sam pling fr m f ur different m del districts Results Their average age w as 2410 ∀ 571years 833% f them had received sen i r m iddle sch l educati n 613% f them unm arried The average kn w ledge rate ab ut ten A IDS questi ns f unlicensed pr stitutes w as 852% in 4 sites 389% f un licensed pr stitutes held the c rrect m anner f AIDSThem ain way t btain the kn w ledge related t AIDS f r un licensed pr stitutes in turn w ere televisi n, d ct r and new spaper/m agazine In the latest 3 m nths, the ccas i nal use f c nd m acc unted f r 476% The use f c nd m f r every tmi e acc unted f r 485% Them ain causes f refusing c nd m f r un licensed pr s titute w ere unw illingness f clients, tak ing ther c ntraceptivem eth d and n c nd m available 659% un licensed pr sti tu tes had d ne theH IV tes


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