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摘要 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification,射频识别)是一种非接触式自动识别技术,在动物的饲养、运输、屠宰及产品的加工和流通等环节可以实施全过程、全位的有序管理和监控,因而得到了广泛使用。 本研究运用RFID射频技术实现奶牛身份的自动识别,提出了一套较为完整的适用于规模化养牛场的奶牛自动、准确料量投放的饲喂控制系统(Automatic Cow Feeding Control System)。 奶牛自动喂料系统主要是由奶牛识别模块、PIC单片机控制模块、电机驱动模块和显示与人工设定模块等四个控制部分构成。 奶牛识别模块是基于MF1 IC S50的高频读写器,用于读写电子耳标信息,识别奶牛的身份。控制模块是通过pic16F873单片机输出的脉冲数控制电机转动从而达到准确投料的目的。本文主要从这几个模块着手,简要介绍它们的主要特点和工作原理,全面阐述了该技术在今后的奶牛养殖中方便之处和发展趋势。 试验结果表明:MF1 IC S50射频读写器灵敏度高,识别时间短,识别距离达到6cm,误读率低。软、硬件系统能够长期稳定的运行,具有较高的使用价值。 关键词: RFID PIC单片机控制 电机驱动 ABSTRACT RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an untouched automatic identification technique, which was widely used because it can manage monitor efficiently in the whole process of breeding, transportation and slaughtering of animals and the manufacture and circulation. RFID technique was selected to implement of cow identification according to the comparison of several automated identification techniques. An intact automated cow feeding control system (ACFCS) applied in the scale cow was proposed in this study. Automatic Cow Feeding System is composed of four parts,such as cow identification module , PIC MCU control module, the motor-driving module and display and artificial setting module. Cow identification module is built by MF1 IC S50 high frequency reader was used to read the information of ear tag and identify the cow ID. PIC MCU control module control motor turning by MCU pic16F873. From the four major parts, this article outlines the main features and principles of the work,expounded the trend of the development and the convenience of the farming and techniques in the future. Experiments result indicted that MF1 IC S50 was high sensitive and radio of error was low. The operation of both hardware and software were stable,it has a great applied value. Keywords:RFID PIC MCU-control motor-driving 摘要 1 ABSTRACT 2 目录 3 1 前言 4 1.1选题的背景及意义 4 1.2 研究目标和研究内容 5 1.2.1 研究目标 5 1.2.2 研究内容 6 2 RFID技术简介 7 2.1 RFID系统的组成


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