人教版七年级下册英语各单元作文 .doc

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人教版七年级下册英语各单元作文 .doc

初 一 英语(下)各类作文范文 Unit 1 ---背教材第五页 3a 3b 根据个人实际情况写一则征笔友启事,启事中要做适当的自我介绍,例如:姓名、年龄、国家、现居住地、爱好、最喜欢的科目(电影、运动。。。)想找怎样的笔友等。 1、Dear friend , I’m Liu Fang .I’m 14 years old .I’m in HuiLi ,China . I have no brothers or sisters in my family. I can speak Chinese and a little Engliah . My favorite subject in school is English , because I think it’s very interesting.I also like music and art very much .I can sing and draw well ,too. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents . I want a pen pal in Australia .I want to learn about your country I want a pen pal in Australia .I think Australia is an interesting country .But I know it only a little . Can you write and tell me something about yourself?( Can you write to me soon ?) Yours, Liu Fang Unit 2 ----背教材P9 -3a、 P11- 3a,3b、 P12 -3 有用的短语:be across from 在…对面 be next to 在…旁边 be between …and…在…与…中间 be on 在…路上 be in front of 在…之前 be behind在…后面 go straight / Walk on 直走 turn left/right 左转/右转 on the left.right 在左/右边 Dear Tina , I’m very glad you are coming to my school . let me tell you the way to my school . There is a map for you .Go along this road and turn right at the second crossing . Go across the Bridge,then turn right and you’ll see a hospital .Our school is next to the hospital .our school is next to the hospital .The name of our school is Luchang Middle School . Unit 3---背教材P17-3a、3b 在我家附近的动物园里,有一头小象叫Larry,他来自非洲,七岁了,他喜欢吃水果和草。他对人们很友好。他喜欢玩水。他喜欢和游人玩。他既高大又强壮还有一个长鼻子,他的牙也很长。他的耳朵像两把大扇子。我非常喜欢他。 There is a baby elephant in the zoo .Its name is Larry .It comes from Africa .It’s 7 years old .It likes eating fruit and grass. It’s friendly to people .It likes playing with water and the people . It is tall and strong .It has a long nose .Its teeth are


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