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浅谈纪录片《角色》中镜头语言的运用 院 系:动 画 学 院 专 业:数字媒体艺术 班 级:0703班 姓 名:涂季丹 学 号:07050743119 指导教师:徐建桥 韩明明 2011年 月 日 浅谈纪录片《角色》中镜头语言的运用 Brief talk about the use of camera language in the narrative film “Role” 摘 要 电影艺术是时空结合、视听结合、动静结合的艺术。当今社会是影像的时代,最具影像代表的艺术就是电影艺术。而纪录片就是供人们观赏的电影艺术品,也是细节的艺术。它是一个在生活中观察、发现、挖掘的过程,镜头语言的运用恰当与否,直接关系到一部纪录片的成败。学会用镜头语言遣词造句,也是每个纪录片工作者应该具备的基本能力。 电影镜头语言是建立在电影技术之上的电影艺术创作与审美的过程体现,它是多种语言因素的复合体,是一整套相互交织,组织严密的电影语言系统,其本质意义在于它的美学内涵和情感外延的直接体现。它不仅具有客观现实的“再现性”,更具有主观内涵的“表现性”。然而电影镜头与画面的组合不仅将电影的技术性能转化为艺术性能,而且在其艺术中,各种艺术又以其各自前所未有的互补合一的新职能,使电影艺术拥有了巨大的审美感染力。本篇结合毕业设计来研究分析镜头语言的基本规律,着重分析纪录片、镜头语言、镜头语言在纪录片中的重要意义、以及镜头语言在记录片中的表现。 关键词:纪录片 镜头 画面 拍摄 剪辑 Abstract The cinema is combined with space and time, seeing and hearing, the art of combining static. In todays society is image era, the most image representative art is the art films. And for people to watch is the documentary film, is the art of art details. It is a in life observation, discover, mining process, the use of camera language appropriate or not directly related to the success or failure of a documentary. Learn to use the camera language construct sentences, but also all workers should have the basic documentary ability. Camera scene language is based on the film technology, like the cinematics creating and the processing of ability to appreciate the arts, it constitute by lot of elements, and it’s a language system which is intersect and preciseness, also it present the aesthetic connotation and the extension of emotion. It has the objectivity “representation”, and obtains the subjective connotation “expressiveness”. However, the combing of camera scene with the image not only can change the film technology to the cinematics, but also combining the different elements of arts together to improving the film’s aesthetic infectivity. In this article, I use the graduation design as the sample to analysis the basic discipline of camera language , and the article focus on analysis the narrative film, camera lang


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