Protecting enterprise’s data security by updating network system in LT Company.doc

Protecting enterprise’s data security by updating network system in LT Company.doc

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Protecting enterprise’s data security by updating network system in LT Company.doc

Protecting enterprise’s data security by updating network system in LT Company Submitted by Li Zhaohui Student ID number 092011010255 Supervised by Hu Jintao A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts The Institute of Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies University 论 文 摘 要 摘要 (中文) LT公司自从创建以来,已经过去年了;公司从不到10人的小型团队,发展壮大到如今500人左右的中型企业。我们目前已经拥有了自己的仓储物流中心和呼叫中心。在公司总部,我们有200人左右的核心团队,包括,运营部,人事行政部财务部,组织机构基本健全。就在我们公司快速发展的同时,我们也注意到企业信息安全管理存在着很多漏洞和缺陷。而我们也遭遇到多起来自外部的黑客攻击和内部人员窃取商业资料的事件。 由于过去并没有足够重视信息安全为公司带来的影响和损失,因此我们向公司提出了信息安全升级项目,并获得了批准。公司支持此项目,并要求多个部门的协同合作完成项目。我们不仅获得了有效的预算支持,完成了现有的系统环境硬件方面的升级改造;同时也调动了公司内的技术专家在系统软件部署上做了大量工作。与此同时,行政部与人力资源部协同合作,共同完善了企业信息安全管理的规章制度与保密协议。 在公司全体成员的共同努力之下,我们依照如下步骤顺利完成了任务:成立项目小组,前期协同调研、汇总分析、制定最优方案,按计划实施,定期召开项目例会,向全公司推行新政策法规,完成项目并长期监控。 这里要感谢公司全体成员为此所做的努力,尤其感谢CEO对此事的大力支持,行政部门和HR部的默契配合。另外,特别感谢信息部的工程师为公司选定的最优的解决方案,与其他公司对比,我们不仅节约了大额预算,而且获得了更高的安全防御能力。 本次信息安全升级是一个非常值得推荐的实际应用案例,也是我们公司在发展过程中获得的宝贵经验和财富。LT E-commerce Company has been created for three years; it becomes the medium-sized industrial enterprise of 500 employees from 10 in the past. Now we have our own warehousing, logistics center and call center. In the head office, there is the core team of 200 employees, include five departments: operations department, finance department, human resources department, administration department and data center. At present, LT Company is developing rapidly; and is preparing for going public. In last six months, we met multiple events of hacker attack and internal information leaking. We realized that there are many leaks in our information management system. Then, for developing smoothly and having a healthy network environment, we applied the network upgrade plan, and got permission. By a series of research, investigation and analysis, HR and administrative department cooperate with us to achieve this project together. In the effort of all team members, we achieved the task smoothly according these proc


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