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30 7 煤 矿 机 械 V o.l 30 N o. 7 2009 7 Coa lM ine M ach inery Ju .l 2009 SolidW orks API 1 2 2 ( 1. 410004; 2. 4 10075) : 叶轮是罗茨鼓风机的核心部件在叶轮的型线方程进行数学描述的基础上 阐述 在 So lidW ork s三维 CAD 平台下 基于 SolidW ork s A P I的参数化设计方法在此基础上 对叶轮三 维实体参数化建模以及动态啮合仿真的步骤与流程进行 深入分析以V isu a l B asic为开发工具 基于 So lidW orks A P I 开发软件实现 叶轮三维实体模型的自动生成以及叶轮的动态啮合模拟 为 叶轮的优化设计提供 CAD软件工具 : 罗茨鼓风机; 叶轮; So lidW o rk s : TD 355; TP 302 : A : 1003- 0794( 2009) 07 - 0 189 - 0 3 P aram etric D esign andM esh ing Sim u lation of R oot B low er Supported by SolidW ork s AP I 1 2 2 TANG X iao- hong CH EN L i- li ( 1. E lectrical and M ech anical Eng inee ring Co llege Centra l South Forestry and T echno logy U niversity Ch angsh a 4 10004 Ch ina; 2. T ra ff ic and T ransporta tion Eng ineering College Central South U n ive rsity Ch angsh a 410075 Ch ina) Abs tract: T he mi p eller is a core com ponent of roo ts blow er. On the b asis of the descr iption o f the mi p el ler profile equa tions param etric design m ethod b ased on SolidW ork s A P I w as expounded under So lid W ork s as three- d mi en siona l CAD p la tfo rm. On the basis the step s process o f 3D param etric m odeling and dynam ic m eshing smi u lation for the mi p eller w ere analyzed deep ly. A n autom at ic 3D m odeling and m esh ing smi ulat ion so fwt are for the mi p eller w as deve lop ed based on So lidW orks A P I by V isu al Basic as deve lopm ent too l it offers CAD so ftw are too l to opt mi izat ion design of the mi p eller. K


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