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如何猜测英语阅读中生词的含义 提高学生阅读理解能力是高中阶段英语教学的主要目标之一,在完成阅读理解题 时,因为对一些生词理解不准确影响了对文章的理解,使答题正确率降低。所以中学 生通过掌握猜测生词的技巧来提高阅读理解能力是非常必要的。猜测词义主要是根据 上下文进行逻辑推理,在具体的语言环境中用我们所熟悉的词语来推测我们不熟悉的 生词的词义。利用上下文猜测词义常用下列几种猜词法。 1. 下定义或解释概念法 (Definition/ Explanation): 往往通过下文的同位语、定语 从句、或由or ; that is; that is to say; namely; in other words; that means 等表达形式导出词义。 如: 1).Perhaps the most startling (surprising) theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray. (人体运动学) 2).An extinct animal is one that once lived but does not exist now.(绝种的) 3).Sometimes the earth moves between the sun and the moon. Then the earths shadow falls on the moon; no light from the sun can then reach the moon. The moon gets dark because it cannot reflect the suns light. We call this an eclipse of the moon. (月蚀) 4).They surrendered, that is, threw out their weapons and walked out with their hands above their heads. 2.举例(Giving examples):for example, such as, a case in point is...过渡词引 出具体例子来说明或阐述. 1).John works in a hospital where people are treated for phobia, some of phobias are the fear of flying, the fear of high places, and the fear of animals. 根 据下文的举例即可推出phobia是患恐惧症的病人. 2).Many United Nations employees are polyglots. Mrs. White, for example, speaks five languages. 根据后面的例证不难推出polyglots是能说多种语言的人 3.运用同义词关系(Synonym or Restatement Clues) 有的情况下,在一段话中,通过同义关系重现了某一生词的词义。用 and; not only…but also…; besides; similarly; likewise; in the same way 或用分号引 出相同或类似的词。 1).There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weepWhen Della had finished crying(crying重现了weep的词 义) 2).If you are fond of stories, you will; if youre like me, read them quickly; youll swallow them. (swallow含有read quickly的意思) 3).Our uncle was a roamer, an wanderer who never could stay one place. (到 处漂流的人) 4.根据对比关系猜词(Comparison-and-contrast Clues or antonym) 在特定的上下文中,往往通过某种对照、转折、比较或递进等关系,可以明确一词的意 思。这种类型的线索往往通过 and, another, but, howev


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