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The people sitting behind us are all teachers. The expert coming from Lishui is a lady called Ms Cai. 1. Sixty million people _____ (live) in rural areas are moving to the cities every year. 2. The bottle _________ (contain) the poison was sent to the laboratory. 3. The man with sun-glasses ________ (stand) near a car is a detective. 4. The old lady ______ (talk) to the children is a famous musician. 5. The person _________ (translate) the songs can speak seven languages. 6. You can see them __________ (perform) every night this week at the New Theatre. 7. I could hear them __________ (whisper) to each other during the first part of the play. 8. We watched the army _______ (march) down the street towards the park. 分词作状语 1. 明概念   要明确现在分词和过去分词的基本表示意思:现在分词表示主动和正在进行的意思,过去分词表示被动和完成的意思。 2. 找逻辑   要找到分词和句子主语之间的逻辑关系,根据二者的具体逻辑关系来选择相应的分词:如是主动关系则用现在分词,被动关系则用过去分词。如果分词和句子主语间没有逻辑关系则要在分词前加上其相应的独立主格。 3. 定时态   要辨别分词与句子谓语动词之间的动作先后关系,从而采取不同的分词形式:二者同时发生则用分词的一般式;分词动作发生在谓语动词前,则用完成式即having done的形式;正在被动用being done的形式,完成被动用:having been done的形式; 4. 认否定   分词作状语的否定形式是在分词前加not。 When working in the factory, he was an advanced worker. =When he worked in the factory, he was an advanced worker. Though willing to attend the party, he refused the invitation. =Though he was willing to attend the party, he refused the invitation. If playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. =If you play all day, you will waste your valuable time. 1. a. Hearing the news, tears ran down her face. b. Hearing the news, she cried out sadly. 2. a. Entering the classroom, I found nobody in it. b. Entering the classroom, nobody was found in it. 3. a. Looking out through the window, the garden was beautiful. b. Looking out through the window, we saw a beautiful garden. 4. a. Reading the evening newspaper, a dog started barking. b. I was reading the evening newspaper when a dog started barking. 5. a. Being fine, we will have the sports meeting next week. b. It being fi


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