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BBC learning english 广播稿(直接看也可以).txt第一次笑是因为遇见你,第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你。BEER Vicki: Hi, and welcome BBC Learning English. I’m Vicki. Sun Chen: 还有我,孙晨。 Vicki: In today’s programme, we’re finding out all about the most popular drink or beverage in the world. Sun Chen: 世界第一大饮料?其实beverage 说的也是drink. 那我猜葡萄酒应该是世界 第一大饮料吧! Vicki: No, it’s beer! Do you drink beer Sun Chen? Sun Chen: Yes I like to drink beer 啤酒。 Vicki: Apparently, in general around the world sales are booming. Sun Chen: Booming 就是增长。 Insert Now, beer is the most popular beverage on the planet, knocking soft drinks into second place and even beating wine. Sales are booming, especially in countries like China and Russia. Even in the UK where beer sales have dipped slightly in the last 10 years, 28 million pints of the stuff are drunk every day. Sun Chen: 要是这么听起来,啤酒看来比软饮料还有葡萄酒,还受人们欢迎呢!在这份报 告中,他用了两种表达方式来说啤酒比其他的饮料更受欢迎。 Vicki: Knocking soft drinks into second place. Sun Chen: 把软饮料踢到了第二的位置。 Vicki: Beating wine. Sun Chen: 打败葡萄酒。 Vicki: In the UK we drink 28 million pints of beer a day, even though sales have dipped slightly. Sun Chen: Dipped 意思就是下降了。有意思的是,这份报告居然发现啤酒在中国也越来 越受欢迎。 Insert Now, beer is the most popular beverage on the planet, knocking soft drinks into second place and even beating wine. Sales are booming, especially in countries like China and Russia. Even in the UK where beer sales have dipped slightly in the last 10 years, 28 million pints of the stuff are drunk every day. Vicki: So what kind of beer are people drinking? In the UK there are two basic types of beer, lager, and ale or bitter. Sun Chen: Lager 清啤酒ale 或者叫做bitter 是一种颜色比较重,酒的味道更浓;还有 一点儿苦的啤酒,也叫苦啤酒。 Vicki: Here’s Roger Prott, who wrote a book all about different types of beer, to tell us more. Insert There are some fantastic lager beers, it is a great style. 93% of all beer brewed in the world is lager. It so happens that in this country I prefer to drink castconditioned real ale, which I think is a unique style to this country, and is absolut


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