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25 10 现代化工 Oct. 2005 2005 10 Modern Chemic l Industry # 57 # 一种具有机械消泡功能的新型塔板 李育敏, 俞晓梅, 姚克俭 ( 浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院, 浙江杭州310032) : , , , , : , 61% ~ 76% , ; , 15. 2% ~ 17. 1% , , : ; ; ; :TQ0511 81 :A : 0253- 4320( 2005) 10- 0057- 03 A new type of tray for mechanical defoaming LI Yu-min, YUX iao-mei, YA O Ke-j ian ( College of Chemic l Engineering nd M teri l Science, Zheji ng University of Technology, H ngzhou 310032, Chin ) Abstract: A new type of tr y for mech nic l defo ming is developed, which h s new structur l component for mech nic l defo ming pl ced over it.Th t structur l component is composed of corrug ted sheets p r llel e ch other. And the lower section of the component is immersed in the tr y froth for reducing tr y forth height nd froth pe k, with the higher section in the diseng gement sp ce bove tr y froth for diminishing entr inment. The experiment l results indic ted th t the structur l component w s ble to diminish entr inment by 61% ~ 76% , reducing steep froth pe k on tr y froth surf ce for the fo ming system, nd could ddition lly decre se the tr y forth height by 15. 2% ~ 17. 1% for the nonfo ming system.Therefore, the new tr y c n defo m effectively, del ying flood of tr y forth nd of excessive entr inment. Key words: tr y; structur l component for mech nic l defo ming; fo ming system; entr inment , , , [5] 250Y [ 1] , , , , , [ 2] , ,



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