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! 28! Stroke andNervous D iseases, Feb 2 005, Vol. 12, No. 1 GM 1 任传成 王云甫 谢连红 周亚刚 钱湘绮 余桂军 周 玲 倪冬艳 GM 1( cerebro vascular spasm, CVS) 25 W istar 5: ( CVS) (N mi )( GM1)( GM1T)GM 1(GM1P ) 2 , 6 h, 4%, CA1; : CVS CA1 , ; N mi CA1; GM 1T ; GM1P CA1, : CVS ,,, ; N mi ; GM 1T , ; GM 1P, GM 1 CVS 743 A 10 07047 8( 2 005) 0 100280 5 T he inf luence of GM 1 on neu ron s and m icrovascular endoth eliocytes after cereb rovascu lar spasm R en Ch uancheng, Wang Yunp u, X ie L ianhong, et a.l Shang ha i NO. 5H osp ital, F udan Un iv er sity, Shang ha i 20 024 0 A b strac t O bject ive The influence ofGM 1 on neurons and microvascular endotheliocytes after vasospasm was investigated. M ethods Twentyfivewistar rats receiving intracisternal injection of 0. 15 mL autologous nonhepa rinized blood or 0. 15 mL saline wt ice were divided into five groups as follow s: ( 1) Control group: saline injection without treatment (n = 5) ; ( 2) CVS group: tw ice blood injectionw ithout treatment (n = 5); ( 3) N mi odipine group: blood injection twice and treated by nmi odipine 2 mg/kg after second blood injection ( n = 5); ( 4) GM 1 therapy group: blood injection twice and treated by GM 1 4 0 mg/kg after second blood injection ( n = 5); ( 5 ) GM 1 prevent group: blood injection tw ice and treated byGM 1 4 0 mg/kg before second blood injection (n = 5). A fter perfusion and fixation, the morphological characteristics and ultrastructural changes of microvascular endotheliocytes and neurons were evaluated. Resu lts Severe damage such asm itochondriamalformation and ribosome decrease occurred in CVS group, M oderate damage occurred in nmi odipine group andm ild damage occurred in GM1P grou


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