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39 1 人 工 晶 体 学 报 V o.l 39 N o. 1 2010 2 JOU RNAL OF SYNTHET IC CRY STAL S F ebrua ry, 2010 YbYAG 1 1 2 李茜琪 , 陈新政 , 范仕刚 1. , 20005 1; 2. , 1000 18) : , Yb3+ 32CaO 13 - x ) Y O 24A l O 3 1S iO xYb O x = 0. 5~ 2) 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 , DTA , XRD TEM 1000 , 1000 : 1000 24 h , YAG ; Y b3+ YAG , Y bYAG : YbYAG ; ; : TQ164 : A : 1000985X 2010) Preparation and Properties ofYbYAG Glassceramics 1 1 2 LI X iq i, CHEN X inzheng , FAN Shig ang 1. Engin eering R esearch C enter of A dvanced G lassesM anu facturing T echnology, M in istry of Educat ion, D onghu aU n iversity, Shanghai 20005 1, C h ina; 2. S inom a R esearch Ins itu te of Syn thetic C ry stals, B eijing 1000 18, Ch ina) (R eceiv ed 15 M ay 2009, accep ted 3A ugust 2009 3+ Abstract: Y b doped 32C aO 13 - x ) Y O 24A l O 31SiO xY b O x = 0. 52 ) g lasses w ere 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 prepared by high tem perature m e lting m ethod. Then the g lasses w ere annealed at h igh tem perature. T he temperature of heat treatm ent w as found by DTA. T he crysta llog raph ic structures o f the g lasses annealed at different tem peratures w er


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