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2007 2 Feb ruary 2007 26 2 M echan ical Science and Technology Vol. 26 No. 2 1, 2 1 2 1 1 吴宝元 , 余 永 , 许德章 , 吴仲城 , 陈 峰 1 ( , 2 00 1; 2 , 241000) : 可穿戴下肢助力机器人是将人和机器人机构结合在一起, 过获取人体下肢运动行为信息 来控制机器人机构与人体协调同步行走, 并实时为人体下肢提供助力的一种装置可穿戴下肢助 力机器人机械系统不仅符合以往的拟人机器人行走机构的设计要求, 又要与人体下肢系统相匹配, 为人体提供助力时, 与人体下肢相协调互不产生运动干涉基于人体下肢各关节运动参数, 对助 力机器人机械系统进行了运动学分析并建立了模型, 过对人体下肢运动仿真, 验证了所建立的运 动学模型的可行性 : 助力机器人; 人机结合; 运动学分析; 人体建模; 仿真 : TP242; TH 166 : A : 100 8728( 2007) 0202 506 KinematicsAnalysis and Simulation of aRobotwithWearable and Powerassisted LowerExtremities 1, 2 1 2 1 1 W u Baoyuan , Yu Yong , Xu Dezhang, W u Zhongcheng, Chen Feng ( 1 Institute of IntelligentM achines, Ch inese Academ y of Science, H efei 2 00 1; 2Departm en t ofM echanical Engineering, Anhu iUniversity of Science Technology, Wuhu 241000) Abstract:A robot w ith w earable and pow erassisted low er extrem ities is a realtmi e human powerassisted device w hich helps the robot tow alk harmoniously and synchronouslyw ith human through acqu iring the information concern ing its low er extrem itiesmovement behavior. Itsmechan ical system needs not only tomeet the design requ irement of thew alkingmechanisms of the previous humanoid robot but also tomatch human extrem ities. While it is providing as sistance pow er to human, the robot shouldw alk in harmony w ith hum an extrem ities and exert no interference on hu man ambulation. Based on themovement parameters of the various joints


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