
建工英语词汇(Vocabulary for Architecture English).doc

建工英语词汇(Vocabulary for Architecture English).doc

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建工英语词汇(Vocabulary for Architecture English) accommodate [?k?m?deit] vt. 容纳;使…适应 acoustic [?ku:stik] adj. 声音的,听觉的 activate[?ktiveit] v. 触发,启动 【例句】activated by selfish motives 在自私动机的驱使下 actuate [?ktjueit, -t?u-] v. 起动,开启 【例句】Limit switches can easily be attached to the yoke of the valve. The torque arm will actuate the switches in open and closed positions. 在阀门的轭架上,可以容易的附加限制开关。转距臂会将开关设置在开启和关闭的位置。 adjacent [?d?eis?nt] adj. 临近的 aerial [ε?ri?l] adj. 空中的,空气的 aesthetically [i:sθetikli] adv. 审美地, 美学观点上地 affix [?fiks] v. 固定,帖上,签上 【例句】Once a model is certified , manufacturers can affix a Snell sticker to the inside as a seal of approval. 一款安全帽一旦获得认证,制造商就可以在安全帽内部贴上一张“斯内尔”贴纸作为认证标志。 analysis[?n?l?sis] n.分析;分解 apparent [?p?r?nt] adj. 显然的,明白的,表面上的 【例句】an apparent advantage. 表面上的优势 appurtenance [?p?:tin?ns] n. 附加物,附属物 architect [ɑ:kitekt] n. 建筑师 asbestos[?zbest?s] n. 石棉 asphalt [?sf?lt] vt. 铺沥青于 n.沥青,柏油 assemblage [?semblid?] n. 集合;装配 assembly [? sembli] n. 装配,集合 【例句】Shall we start with the assembly line? 咱们从装配线开始看好吗? backflow [b?kfl?u] n. 回流 bar [bɑ:] n.条, 棒, 横木 basement [beism?nt] n.地下室,地下层 【例句】The central heating boiler is in basement. 中央供暖系统的锅炉设在地下室。 basin [beisn] n. 盆 beam [bi:m] n. 横梁 【建筑用语】 concrete beam 混凝土梁 column beam 柱型梁 bear [be?] vt. 支撑;支持 beneath [bini:θ] prep. 在…之下,adv. 向下 binder [baind?] n. 黏结剂 bolt [b?ult] n. 螺栓连接 bored cast-in-situ pile 钻孔灌注桩 bottleneck [b?tl,nek] n. 瓶颈;障碍物 boulevard ?[bu:lvɑ:, bul?vɑ:d] n. 林荫大道,大马路 bracket [br?kit] n. 托架 【例句】If the pump has been flooded , dismantle the bracket and remove the bearings. 如果泵被洪水淹过,请拆除泵壳的托架,并将轴承拆下。 budget [b?d?it] n. 预算vt. 编入预算,做预算 bulldozer [bul,d?uz?] n. 推土机,压路机 cable [keibl] n. 悬索 cable-stayed bridge 斜拉桥 capability [,keip?bil?ti] n. 性能;功能 capacity [k?p?siti] n. 容量,容积 cast-in-situ 现浇,现场浇灌 cavity [k?vity] n. 洞,腔 chimney [t?imni] n. 烟囱 circuit [s?:kit] n.电路, 线路 circulation [,s?:kjulei??n] n. 循环,环流;运行. cistern [sist?n] n. 水塔,蓄水池 civil engineering 土木(民用)工程 cladding[kl?di?] n. 被覆,包层 classi



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