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23 5 2002 9 Vol. 23 No. 5 Chinese Jo rnal of Catalysis September 2002 : 0253-9837(2002)05-0453-04 李健生, 孙秀云, 刘晓东, 王连军 ( 南京理工大学化工学院, 江苏南京210094) : A-Al O C-Al O . X 2 3 2 3 . , , . , , . 700 e 01 3 014 MPa / 11 133 11139, 2 Kn dsen . , 2281 9 m / g, 41 5 nm. : , , , : O643/ T Q 11 : A Preparation of Alumina Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane by Filtering Coating L I Jiansheng, SUN Xiuyun, L IU Xiaodong, WANG Lianj un* (School of Chemical Engineering, Nanj ing University of Science and Technology, Nanj ing 210094, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: The filtering coating method w as introd ced to prepare C-Al O ltrafiltration membrane sing A- 2 3 Al2O3 hollow fiber microfiltration membrane as s bstrate. T he thermostability, phase transformation, str ct re and appearance of ltrafiltration membrane w ere characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, differential ther- mal analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. T he res lts showed that the C- Al O ltrafiltration membrane w ith s pport prepared by filtering coating method is defect-free. The membrane 2 3 is of gas selectivity, and the separation factors of nitrogen to argon are 11133 and 11139 at 013 and 014 MPa re- spectively . It was show ed that the gas diff sion thro gh the membrane is governed by Kn dsen diff sion mecha- nism . The most probable pore diameter of an ns pported membrane after calcination at 700 e is abo t 415 nm


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