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23 4 V o l. 23 N o. 4 2010 8 Ch inese M ed ica l Eth ics A ug. 2010 医患关系的困境和出路 郭建新 ( , 71006 1) 根本目的一致的医患双方在近年来却屡起冲突, 其原因主要是由于政 投入不足财政补偿不到位医务人员数量 少且分布不合理医学生的培养存在问题医患双方均追求利益最大化及部分医疗机构和医务人员伦理失范需要通过国家加 大投入增加补偿治理商业贿赂加强对医学生教育弘扬医德等措施来缓解改善紧张的医患关系 医患关系 卫生公平 医学人文教育 医学伦理教育 医德 R197. 32 A 1001- 8565( 20 10) 04 - 005 1- 03 D illem a of Doctor- Patien t R elationsh ip and Counterm easures GUO J ian - x in (Rad iology Center, F irstAff iliated H osp ital, M edical College of X i!an J iaotong Univ ersity, X i!an 710061, China Abs tract: D octors and p atients acu ally sh are the sam e goal in m ed ica l actvities, tha t is, to cure the disease, w hile conflicts arise continuously bewt een doctors and p atients in contem porary t mi es. R eason s m ay include the in su ff iciency o f governm ent inpu t of m ed ical resourses, in suffic ient fanancial com pen sation, in sufficient and unreasoba le distribution o f m ed ical staff, mi p erfect tra inig m odel o f m edica l students, persu it of prof it m ax mi ization on bo th doctors!and pat ien ts! sides, and the lack o f regu laiton on m edical eth ics am ong partial m ed ical sta ff and in st itution s. Counterm easures inclu de increse in governm ent input and fananc ial com p ensat ion, punishm enrt o f comm ercia l bribe, enh ancem ent of edu cat ion for m ed ical students, and public iza tion o f m edical eth ics throught the society, in order to mi prove current re lation sh ip bewt een doctors and p atient. K ey w ord s: D octor- Pat ient R elation sh ip H ea lthcare E qu ity M ed ical H um an ities Eu cation M ed ical E th ics Edu cat ion M edical E th ics ,


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