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我国中小股份制商业银行的人力资源管理现状分析 摘 要:中小股份制商业银行自成立以来,经过二十多年的发展已经取得了显著的成绩,成为我国金融行业的非常重要的组成部分。但随着我国加入WTO,金融管制的逐步放开,外资银行的不断涌入与国有商业银行股份制改革的深化,势必对我国中小股份制商业银行产生极大的竞争压力。金融界的竞争在技术上、业务上的竞争,最终都归结到包括人才竞争在内的一系列角逐,人是最具有决定性意义的因素。因此,认识和分析自身的人力资源管理现状是制定有效的人力资源管理措施的重要课题。 关键词:中小股份制商业银行;人力资源管理;现状 中图分类号:F272.92 文献标识码:A 文章编号: The analysis of present situation about human resource management of Small and medium-sized Joint-Stock Commercial Banks in our country Abstract :The small and medium-sized Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of China has gotten notable record since it set up and becomes a very important composition part of the financial profession in our country through the development of more than 20 years. However, as our country joins WTO and the control of financial relieves step by step, the foreign capital banks join into our country continuously and the state-owned commercial bank Joint-Stock system is reformed deeply .It is sure to produce much competitive pressure for the small and medium-sized Joint-Stock commercial bank in our country. The compete in financial , including technology and business, due to the talent at last, as the decision of factors is human resource. It is necessary to see human resource as the most important factor and strengthen the management of human resource for the small and medium-sized Joint-Stock Commercial Bank winning in this contest.So,it is an important subject of recongnizing and analysing present situation of human resource management to establish effective measure for it. Keywords: Small and medium-sized Joint-Stock Commercial Banks ;Human resource management ; Present situation 1.金融行业环境变化对我国中小股份制商业银行人力资源管理带来的挑战 1.1我国金融行业新发展带来的挑战 我国中小股份制商业银行自成立以来,经过二十多年的发展,已经成为了我国金融市场中重要的组成部分,对我国经济的发展也发挥着越来越大的作用。截至2005年年末,12家股份制商业银行资产总额58125.25亿元,其中贷款余额34845.30亿元,较年初增加11035.80亿元和5985.22亿元,增长23.43%和20.74%。负债总额56044.34亿元,其中存款余额49201.19亿元,较年初增加10555.94亿元和8594.77亿元,增长23.21%和21.17%。2005年,股份制商业银行的资产、负债、贷款和存款总额在全部金融几个中所占的比例为15.51%、15.57%、16.85%和16.78%,较上年


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