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我国劳动力市场的现状及对策研究 摘 要 改革开放以来,我们取得的最大进步之一就是从观念上明确了社会主义市场经济条件下劳动力的商品性质,把劳动力市场作为劳动资源配置的主要手段。充满活力、规范有序的劳动力市场既是中国建立市场经济体系的目标之一,又是中国积极、主动地迎接WTO的挑战的关键环节。然而,我国的劳动力市场还仅仅处于起步阶段。本论文在研究中国劳动力市场发育历史、机制及现状的前提下,重点研究了加入WTO对其发展的影响以及我们应当采取的政策。 中国劳动力市场的现状是,城市和农村劳动力市场均已有长足发展,并且已经对社会经济产生了深远的积极作用。但我国的劳动力市场从整体来看尚处于发展的起步阶段,劳动力市场运行受到旧体制的约束,市场机制的功能不能充分发挥,市场化程度偏低,存在城乡分割与体制性分割等。事实表明,劳动力市场的完善和发展迫在眉睫。而入世后外国商品及企业的大量进入,又可能对劳动力市场产生两方面影响:一是日趋激烈的竞争会促进劳动力市场向着规范化、高质量的方向发展;二是可能给原来不成熟的劳动力市场带来过快、过猛的冲击,从而制约这一市场的健康发育和整个国民经济的发展进程。 本论文在分析劳动力市场现状和入世对劳动力市场发展所带来的种种影响的基础上,提出了应对劳动力市场变化的对策和建议。这是全文的核心内容,也是本文的现实意义所在。 关键词: 劳动力市场,“入世”, 劳动就业,影响,对策 Abstract Since our reform and open policy have been performed, we have confirmed that labor force is a kind of commodity. It is the same as other merchandise in our socialist market economy. We will make labor market the method of arranging labor resource. A lively and standard labor market is one of china’s market economy’s goal, also it is a key segment to meet the WTO’s challenge. But our labor market is still in a starting stage. The thesis first study China’s labor market’s history, mechanism and it’s present conditions, secondly it analyze WTO’s impact on it’s development and the policy we should have. Now our labor market is as follows, the city and country’s labor market have been further developed, and have a positive function on our economy. But the labor market of our country is still at the starting stage of development as a whole, The labor market’s operation are restrained by the old system. The function of the market mechanism cant full play. The market-based degree is on the low side. Exist in urban and rural areas to cut apart with cutting apart etc. while being systematic. The reality shows that, we should stare labor market’s development and perfect in the face. Foreign commodities and enterprises join into China’s market, the essay analyzed that it could bring up two influences .A moderate competition will toughen and enhance the present labor market. And


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