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四川理工学院毕业论文 城乡建设用地增减挂钩背景下 耕地的可持续利用研究 ——以自贡市荣县双石镇为例 学 生:曾望洋 学 号:08051070123 专 业:农村区域发展 班 级:2008.1 指导教师:黄旭 四川理工学院经济与管理学院 二O一二年六月 摘要 当前我国经济社会快速发展,工业化、城市化速度加快,城乡建设用地供需矛盾突出,耕地保护的形势愈加严峻。为保证粮食安全,合理布局城乡土地资源,国家开展了城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作。本文通过回顾挂钩及耕地可持续利用的相关概念、研究和挂钩试点工作的开展情况,对自贡市荣县双石镇城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点项目区中拆旧区所在行政村金台村耕地可持续利用现状进行研究分析,最后提出了挂钩工作中耕地可持续利用的对策建议,对当前的挂钩试点和耕地保护具有一定的指导意义。 关键词:增减挂钩,耕地可持续利用,双石模式 ABSTRACT Our countrys economic and social are developing rapidly. Facing the rapid expansion of industrialization and urbanization, the contradiction between supply and demand of urban and rural construction land becomes increasingly seriousness, and the cultivated land protection situation is even more severe.To ensure food security and realize rational distribution of the urban and rural land resources, the state carried out the increasing and decreasing links policy to urban and rural construction land and related experimental work.This paper reviews some related concepts, research of the links and the sustainable utilization of the cultivated land and the status of the links pilot work.After researching and analyzing the sustainable utilization of cultivated land in the demolition of old urban areas of the village in the project area whish is doing the increasing and decreasing links policy to urban and rural construction land pilot work in shuangshi town of rongxian in Zigong,I put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable utilization of cultivated land in the links pilot work.And this will be a guiding significance to the links pilot and cultivated land protection. Key words:increasing and decreasing links,sustainable utilization of the cultivated land,the model of shaungshi town 目 录 1 前 言 1 2 绪 论 1 2.1 相关概念 1 2.1.1 可持续耕地利用的内涵 1 2.1.2 城乡建设用地增减挂钩的内涵 2 2.2 土地整理复垦与耕地可持续利用 2 3 我国耕地资源现状与挂钩工作的实施 3 3.1 我国耕地资源的总体情况 3 3.2 我国耕地资源的利用与保护 4 3.3 城乡建设用地增减挂钩的实施 5 3.4 当前主要试点地区及运作模式 5 4 自贡市城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作概况 6 4.1 城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作的自贡试验 6 4.2 自贡市城乡建设用地增减挂钩的“双石模式” 6 4.2.1



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