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Thinking of Traffic Crowding in Economic View Abstract:Traffic is an important resource .Within many reasons of traffic crowding.The arrangement of property right of roads is of primary importance.Illegibility of property right is the fundamental reason of roads crowding.Due to traffic crowding,the volume in deed is more than that of in need. And there exists excessive using of roads.Crowding is resulted from the failure to allocate road resource The loss due to traffic crowding appears as waste of traffic resource and reduction of benefit of economy.To solve the problem.it needs not only construction of road but also controlling the traffic demand.It is of most importance that the property right of roads should be arranged renewed in the case of system.Economically.This paper explains the traffic crowding and analyses traffic crowding problems.It tries to find a reasonable way for solving the problem of crowding accordingly. Key words:Traffic crowding;System of property right;Management of demand;Strategy Economic Explanation and Analysis on Road Traffic Crowding Economic Explanation of Road Traffic Crowding Taking urban traffic crowding as all example.The average time that the residents take on the bus to their working places is 10 minutes.if few people take cars.there will be no affect to the ones who take buses.But if too many cars go to the roads in the rush hours,which will cause traffic crowding on the roads,then the time they spend in the cars on their way to their working places will not only be shortened,but be prolonged and longer than taking buses,that is,15 minutes,while the time for taking buses on their way to the working places will be 25 minutes. From this simple example.we can analyze the prerequisites and reasons for the traffic crowding.The basic reason lies in the arrangement of the road property right.As long as the road property right belongs to the government,the road property right will not be clearly determined.T


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