10 含答案解析本 先后排序(中考英语阅读理解微题型复习专项练习).docx

10 含答案解析本 先后排序(中考英语阅读理解微题型复习专项练习).docx

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A1 Many kinds of animals lived in the mountain. A deer was eating grass and leaves with her two children. Suddenly, she found that her children entered a tiger’s cave. Luckily, the tiger was not inside the cave at the time. The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cave. Suddenly, she saw a tiger was coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now. So the deer shouted, “My young children, I shall catch a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner.” The tiger was surprised and said to himself, “Whose is that strange voice from the cave? A dangerous animal is staying inside to catch me. I shall run away.” A fox saw the running tiger. “Why are you running in great fear?” the fox asked. The tiger said, “My friend, a powerful animal has come to stay in my cave. The mother is promising to catch a tiger for the young ones to eat. So, I am running away.” The fox laughed and said to the tiger. “Don’t be afraid. No animal is stronger than a tiger. Trust me. Let us tie our tails together. Then I will not be able to leave you.” The tiger agreed unwillingly. The fox tied their tails in a knot and they walked towards the cave together. The deer saw the fox and the tiger coming together. She shouted towards her children inside the cave, “My dear children, I had asked my friend, the fox, to catch a tiger for us. Now, look! The fox has caught a tiger for us. He has tied the tiger’s tail to his tail.” The tiger was very surprised and he was sure that the fox told a lie. So, the tiger decided to escape from the terrible animal inside his cave. He started running and forgot about the fox. In the mad escape, the fox was caught between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his force. His tail got cut. The fox was killed and the tail-less tiger ran away to another part of the forest. The deer and her young ones left the tiger’s cave. They joined their friends safely. Which of the following shows the right order according to the passage? a The fox laug



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