10 Unit 4 Welcome...Reading(备作业)-高二英语同步备课系列(译林选择性必修一).docx

10 Unit 4 Welcome...Reading(备作业)-高二英语同步备课系列(译林选择性必修一).docx

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选择性必修第一册练习 Unit 4 Exploring poetry Welcome to the unit Reading Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.When walking on the ________(结冰的) street you should be careful. 2.The passage ________(暗示) that smoking is harmful. 3.To keep balance he had to ________(抓住) the stick firmly. 4.The student couldn’t understand this ________(复杂的) sentence so he asked the teacher to explain it to him. 5.Their opinions are ________ (相互矛盾的)so I don’t know who to believe. 6.I have found some ________(线索) to their escape. 7.The helping behaviors are not improved if the children ________ (奖励).? 8.We have different ways to ________ (阐释)the music. 9.Have ________(耐心) and strong will and you will be successful. 10.Hold fast to your dream until it is turned into ________(现实). Ⅱ.选用下面短语的适当形式填空 dig up, set...aside, beyond my grasp, pay attention to, find out, stick out, out of place 1.It’s the lines which ________ that make a poem interesting.? 2.The boy looked uncomfortable and ________ among the adults.? 3.My mother let me ________ when the train my father took would arrive.? 4.The teacher asked me to ________ the images in the poem.? 5.The complex poem is ________ so I want you to help me out.? 6.Every day he ________ two hours ________ to keep his mother company. 7.They are ________ some clues to the mystery.? Ⅲ.根据提示完成句子 1.____________________, we should prepare for the worst.? 即使现在一切顺利,我们也应该做好最坏的打算。(even if) 2.Imagine this accident ____________________.? 想象一下这个事件,好像你就在现场。(as if) 3.I think ____________________.? 我认为这种技术难以掌握。(be +adj.+动词不定式) 4.____________________, it is worth your effort.? 只要你变得坚强起来,所有这些努力都是值得的。(as long as) 5.____________________ encourage me to carry on.? 是他的诗鼓励我前行。(强调句型) IV.阅读理解 A   Long ago,poems were recited out loud instead of being written down.Back when the Greeks first started the Olympics,they held poetry contests as well as athletic competitions.   Now,poetry competitions have been revived.This year 120,000 high school students competed in the first Poetry Out Loud national recitation contest,pe



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