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# 49 # 2007 2 利用会党: 辛亥革命的一个误区 欧 阳 跃 峰 ( 安徽师范大学 社会学院, 安徽 芜湖 241000) [ ] 利用; 会党; 辛亥革命; 误区 [ ] 辛亥革命时期, 革命党人即已认识到利用会党是一个失误, 因而才转而依靠新军。会党是当 时社会成员异化的结果, 广大农民对会党的诡异行为普遍持恐惧、戒备、鄙夷心理; 会党的种种不法行为只 能使之成为革命党人动员农民的障碍, 而不是什么纽带。革命党人对会党纯粹 / 利用0 , 根本没有想到要 去改造会党, 进而结成政治同盟。会党能否充当革命党联系农民的纽带, 完全是后来的学者提出的理论问 题, 辛亥革命时期革命党人从未将发动农民问题提上议事日程。革命党人利用会党起义根本没有成功的 可能, 其激励民众的作用远远弥补不了给革命事业造成的损失。各省独立后, 会党严重扰乱了社会秩序; 民国初年, 一些会党由对革命党不满发展到反对民主共和, 图谋颠覆新生革命政权, 很快蜕变为反动势力。 [ ] K251; K257 [ ] A [ ] 05832 0214(2007)07 Making Use of the Secret Societies:An Error of the Revolution of 1911 OUYANG Yue2feng ( Sociolog y Colleg e, Anhui N or mal Univer sity , Wu hu 241000, Anh ui, China) Keywords: make use of; the Secret Societies; the revolution of 1911; error Abstract: In the period of the revolution of 1911, the revolutionist shad recognized that making use of the Secret Societie wa san error of the revolution of 1911, thu sthey began to depend on the New Army. The Secret Societie swa sa di 2 similation of society members, and the majority of peasant sfelt dread, vigilance and disdain for the crafty action of them. A variety of unlawful practice smade them only a barrier, not a link, of the revolutionist smobilizing peasants. The revolutionist smerely / made use of0 the Secret Societies, but they did not try to remould them and then enter into a political alliance with them at all. Whether the Secret Societie scould play the part of the link between the revolution2 ist sand the peasant si sa theoretical problem put forward by later scholars, and the revolutionist sin the period of the revolution


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